OPA Manual definition
Examples of OPA Manual in a sentence
Per SPD policy, OPA sworn personnel “will be familiar with the SPD Manual, Directives, and Notices” and related Department publications.33 OPA personnel must also be familiar with the all procedures set out in the OPA Manual, along with references contained in the Appendix.
NOTICE Failure to comply, fully or in part, with any provision of the OPA Manual is not to be construed to have a presumptive adverse effect on an OPA investigation and is not to be used as a means of challenging the findings or disposition of any complaint.
If OPA cannot determine the identity of an involved employee within five days, the investigator will send a notice of complaint to SPOG and SPMA—or to the union that most likely represents the unknown employee—with the employee identified as “unknown employee.” OPA does not need to notify anyone if the matter is believed to involve an unrepresented civilian employee (see OPA Manual section 4.1 or the appropriate CBA for represented civilian employees).
Nearly all complaints that contain a plausible allegation of misconduct involving one or more SPD employees undergo a preliminary investigation, referred to as the intake investigation.36 To avoid bias, investigators are required to notify their supervisors of any potential conflict of interest that may compromise the integrity of the investigation (see OPA Manual section 2.2).
When assessing classifications in 2021 for appropriate designation, OIG relied upon the criteria outlined in the OPA Manual, the Accountability Ordinance, and on the definitions created by OPA for the new classifications.19 OIG may conduct quarterly sampling of classification decisions or conduct individual review as needed.
OPA shall receive and have the authority to initiate complaints of misconduct or 9 policy violations against SPD employees, and resolve those complaints in accordance with the 10 OPA Manual through investigation, Supervisor Action referral, mediation, Rapid Adjudication, 11 and/or other alternative resolution processes, as well as through Management Action findings 12 and Training Referrals that provide effective solutions and help reduce future misconduct or 13 policy violations.
If OIG disagrees with this classification, OPA reclassifies the case for full investigation.OPA uses other case disposition programs including Rapid Adjudication, Mediation andUnsubstantiated Misconduct Screening, which are discussed further below.Figure 5.1. OPA case intake process 18 These definitions are contained in a previous version of the OPA Manual.
OPA personnel must objectively consider all facts in deciding the weight given to an individual’s testimony (see OPA Manual section 6.6 for information on evaluating testimonial evidence).
Per SPD policy, OPA sworn personnel “will be familiar with the SPD Manual, Directives, and Notices” and related Department publications.40 OPA personnel must also be familiar with the all procedures set out in the OPA Manual, along with references contained in the Appendix.
Complaints against non-SPD employees, without an articulated complaint or potential SPD policy violation, or another eligible category as outlined in OPA Manual section 5.4(B)(i).2.