Examples of Operations Officer in a sentence
A vessel familiarization meeting shall be conducted in the first 24 hours of the project’s start and is normally presented by the ship’s Operations Officer.
The ship’s Operations Officer should be consulted by the Chief Scientist to ensure members of the scientific party report aboard with the proper attire.
The ship’s Operations Officer usually is delegated to assist the Chief Scientist in arranging this meeting.
Upon receipt of grievance, the Chief Operations Officer will initiate the informal resolution process.Expedited ResolutionThe Procurement Officer or Departmental Director responsible for the solicitation shall contact the complainant and all interested parties and attempt to resolve the allegations informally within ten (10) working days from date of complaint.
If the allegations are successfully resolved by mutual agreement, documentation will be forwarded to the Chief Operations Officer of the resolution with specifics on each point addressed in the original complaint.If the Procurement Officer or Departmental Director is not successful in resolving the allegations, the complaint along with the comments will be forwarded to the Chief Operations Officer immediately.
This meeting shall be attended by the ship’s officers, applicable crew, the Chief Scientist, and members of the scientific party and is normally arranged by the Operations Officer and Chief Scientist.
In order for an above mentioned party to enter the grievance process, a written complaint must be sent to the Chief Operations Officer (COO) of H-GAC by certified mail which identifies the following:1.
CONTRACTOR LIBERTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DSITRICT 8 VICTORY LANELIBERTY, MO 64068 Signature Steve AndersonChief Operations Officer Contractor Printed Name and Title Date DateATTACHMENT (A) – STATEMENT OF WORK This attachment will be provided by the awarded vendor once the bid award recommendation has been approved.
Mr. Hassan Abbas - Chief Operations Officer Hassan Abbas has extensive experience in equity trading, money market and inter-bank operations as well as settlements.
Key individual(s) who will have primary responsibility for servicing the Covered California account and flow of responsibilities include the following representatives: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Finance Officer, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Medical Officer, and Dedicated Liaison.