Payment Holiday definition
Examples of Payment Holiday in a sentence
The policy should contain specific prohibited activities, legal requirements and guidelines for handling such information.
An OTC Transaction where the Payment Holiday Centres and Roll Holiday Centres are not the same cannot be cleared.
If an Existing COVID-19 Eligible Obligor is more than one payment or part thereof in arrears after 16 March 2020 and it is deemed to be unsuitable for a Further Payment Holiday then the forbearance options (including the Forbearance Amendments) set out in paragraph (ii) below will be offered.
Existing COVID Eligible Obligor More than 36 monthsFurther Payment Holiday with no Term ExtensionExisting COVID Eligible ObligorMonthly Payments increased to spread the cost of the Payment Deferral over the remaining life of the Financing Contract.
The Collateral RV Buffer Amount shall be paid by VWFS to the Issuer on the Payment Date following the expiry of the Monthly Period in which a Purchased Receivable has become subject to a Payment Holiday with Term Extension and Further Payment Holiday with Term Extension.VWFS began posting Collateral RV Buffer Amounts on the Payment Date falling in June 2020 for the Monthly Period commencing on 1 May 2020.