PCR 2015 definition
Examples of PCR 2015 in a sentence
Does the transaction fall within the ‘light-touch regime’ under the PCRs?4.1 It might be that the services being procured fall within the “light touch regime” (“LTR”), as described in the PCR 2015.
The current financial threshold for the LTR is £663,540.4.2 The list of services that fall under the LTR are set out in Schedule 3 of the PCR 2015 and include “social and other specific services”.
Open Procedure The process set out in Regulation 27 PCR 2015 Order An order for G-Cloud Services placed by a Buyer with the Supplier in accordance with the Buying Process.
PCR 2015 splits categories of Services into Schedule 3 (the “Light Touch” Regime) and Non-Schedule 3 (the non- “Light Touch” Regime). “Light Touch” Regime Services – only some of the EU procurement rules as set out in PCR 2015 apply.
In addition to this the UK chose to introduce brand new measures in the PCR 2015 to regulate procurements below the OJEU Services threshold.