Permanent Service definition

Permanent Service means container and drop-box service provided at the customer's request for a period of more than ninety days.
Permanent Service means service provided for a period of more than ninety (90) days.
Permanent Service means any electric service when the use of service, both as to amount and permanency, can be reasonably assured.

Examples of Permanent Service in a sentence

  • The SFA will retain signature authority on the State Agency Food Program Permanent Service Agreement, Free and Reduced-Price Policy statement, and claims.

  • In addition to its Basic Investment and Additional Growth Based Investment, the Company will provide Additional Load Based Investment for Permanent Service to General Service Customers with a Demand exceeding 10 kW.

  • In addition to its Basic Investment, the Company will provide Additional Growth Based Investment in the form of single phase Main Line extensions for Permanent Service to General Service Customers.

  • For purposes of this Plan, the following types of customers or structures shall not be considered Permanent Service customers: Temporary Service customers, Construction Service customers, Nonpermanent Manufactured Homes, and structures designed or used to provide mobility and/or nonpermanent living accommodations (including, but not limited to, boats, campers, motor homes, and recreational vehicles).

  • In addition to its Basic Investment, the Company may provide Additional Investment in the form of single phase Main Line extensions for Permanent Service to Domestic Customers in a Residential Planning Area.

More Definitions of Permanent Service

Permanent Service means a service where electricity will be taken for an unlimited period of time;
Permanent Service means, in conjunction with containers and drop boxes, when service is provided for a period of more than ninety days.
Permanent Service means service contracted for under the terms of the applicable rate schedule but not less than one year and where the intended use is not seasonal, intermittent, or speculative in nature.
Permanent Service means any service that is intended to remain in place on a continuing basis. A mobile home, which has had the undercarriage removed, been set on a permanent foundation, had its license turned in, and become part of the real estate is classified as a permanent service.
Permanent Service means a Connection or Service authorized by the District that does not meet the definition of a Temporary Service and for which all requirements of the District have been satisfied, the occupant of the property is the named customer, and no remaining balances are due from the associated Temporary Service.
Permanent Service means a service which, in the opinion of the Director, is of a permanent and established character. The use of the water may be continuous, intermittent or seasonal in nature.
Permanent Service. Customer’s facilities constructed at a given location in such a manner that they may be reasonably expected to remain for the life of the facility.