Examples of Permitted Release in a sentence
Neither the FERPA statute nor the state statute includes those items in the definition of directory information.28 Permitted release of student information Ohio law states that contractors employed by the Ohio Department of Education are authorized to have student personally identifiable information for purposes of creating student statewide identification numbers that the Department uses to track student data and for purposes of developing the state achievement assessments.
The ERT has prepared country-specific reports containing detailed explanations of the findings.
BSS plan’s only develop 8.568,03 ha of land for company from 10.067,21 concessions (SK Menhut No.SK351/Menhut-II/2012- Permitted release of conversion forest product).
Neither the FERPA statute nor the state statute includes those items in the definition of directory information.26 Permitted release of student information Ohio law states that contractors employed by the Ohio Department of Education are authorized to have student personally identifiable information for purposes of creating student statewide identification numbers that the Department uses to track student data and for purposes of developing the state achievement assessments.