Aggregate Information definition

Aggregate Information means (i) any information or data derived from Customer Information, and (ii) all information relating to the financial performance and/or operations of the Company Site, which in each case is not specific to a person, does not in either case refer to or identify any specific Person, and cannot be used, alone or in conjunction with other information, to identify any specific Person.
Aggregate Information means information about groups or categories of Customers or Users, which does not identify and cannot reasonably be used to identify an individual Customer or User. Aggregate Information is a kind of Anonymous Information.
Aggregate Information means usage data or other information about multiple Subscribers on an aggregate basis that does not contain Personally Identifiable Information.

Examples of Aggregate Information in a sentence

  • The Client agrees that Acorn PLMS may collect, use, store and disclose Aggregate Information derived from the Client’s use of the Services for analysis, analytics, marketing, or other business purposes.

  • All Aggregate Information will be used in an aggregate and anonymous form only and will not identify any individual.

More Definitions of Aggregate Information

Aggregate Information means any information or data derived from Customer Data or Customer access to or use of the Services, which is not specific to a person, does not include personally identifiable information (i.e., information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, such as name, social security or similar number or biometric records, alone or when combined with other personal or identifying information which is linked or linkable to a specific individual, such as date and place of birth or mother’s maiden name), and cannot be used, alone or in conjunction with other information, to identify any specific person.
Aggregate Information means a request for information that is not maintained in the requested form and that would have to be assembled or derived from other records.
Aggregate Information means data recorded by "SHIFT," the AI system in the course of providing Services that has been combined to show general demographic or similar trends or values without identifying individuals within the data.
Aggregate Information means User Data that does not specifically identify a User, Cingular, or any of Cingular’s Affiliates, provided, that InfoSpace may identify Cingular in connection with its reporting to its third party content providers.
Aggregate Information means information about habits, usage patterns, and/or demographics of Users that does not indicate or reveal the identity of any particular User, and includes, without limitation, Users’ selection of services and other transaction-related information. Auditor has the meaning given to it in clause 34.3. Business Day means a day on which banks are open for business in Jakarta, Indonesia, excluding a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday. Where this agreement requires the Supplier to act within 10 Business Days, the Supplier’s time period for acting shall be extended day for day for each day within the time period that is Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in the United States. Change means a change (including addition or deletion) to the System or the Services, including to the Specifications. Change In Control means in respect of the Supplier or a company which Controls the Supplier, the acquisition by an entity that is not a member of the Supplier Group of the voting rights attaching to 50% or more of the voting shares in the Supplier or a company which Controls the Supplier.
Aggregate Information means information that describes the habits, usage patterns and/or demographics of users as a group but does not indicate the identity of any particular end user, and information about an individual end user presented in a form distinguishable from information relating to other end users but not in a form that enables the recipient to personally identify any end user. "Personal Information" shall mean information about an end user permitting such end user to be specifically identified and may include, but not be limited to (i) end user name, (ii) end user address, and (iii) the end user's personally identifying transaction data.
Aggregate Information means information that describes the habits, usage patterns and/or demographics of SBOs as a group but does not identify any individual SBO by name nor provide information in a form which would enable the recipient of that information to identify the SBO. "Personal Information" means information about and which identifies an individual SBQ and which may include without limitation the SBO's (i) name, (ii) address, and (iii) data about a specific transaction that identifies the SBO involved,