Practical Completion Date definition
Examples of Practical Completion Date in a sentence
Available on: Accesed on: June 18th 2017.
Other than with the prior written consent of the LTA, any amount of the Loan which remains undrawn on the earlier of: the date falling three months after the Practical Completion Date; or the Longstop Date, shall immediately be cancelled in full.
The Developer must at its own cost make good to the satisfaction of the Council any loss of or damage to the Works or to the Site resulting from any cause whatsoever until the Practical Completion Date.
The Contractor will maintain the PI Insurance and pay all premiums due under the Insurance for a minimum of 5 years after the Practical Completion Date.
The Applicant shall, no later than six months after the Practical Completion Date, ensure that it has implemented the use of the membership management and the court booking modules of ClubSpark (or such other or replacement membership and booking platform as may be required by LTA in writing (which includes e-mail)), so as to have open, bookable courts and the LTA Rally functionality enabled.