Privacy Agreement definition
Examples of Privacy Agreement in a sentence
As a condition of awarding a Contract for Work that requires the Contractor to have access to student data, the Contractor is required to sign the Student Data Usage and Privacy Agreement (SDUPA).
All student data received by the Contractor shall be maintained by the Contractor in a secure location, in accordance with the Student Data Usage and Privacy Agreement.
The Attachment A (Data Privacy Agreement) to the Partner Edge Sell Cloud Schedule includes a data processing agreement between Partner and SAP for the processing of personal data for the agreed Cloud Services.
VENDOR or VENDOR INDIVIDUALS may only access or receive identifiable student data, other than directory information, in connection with this AGREEMENT only after VENDOR and OUSD execute (i) a California Student Data Privacy Agreement (“CSDPA”) or CSDPA Exhibit E, if VENDOR is a software vendor, or (ii) the OUSD Data Sharing Agreement, if VENDOR is not a software vendor.
In this Privacy Agreement, the words “you” and “your” mean any person, or that person’s authorized representative, who has requested from us, or offered to provide a guarantee for, any product, service or account offered by us in Canada.