Credit Transactions. Credit Transactions are to be delivered on or before two banking days prior to the effective date of the entries contained within the file. Should the Bank on an exception basis choose to accept entries received on the last banking day prior to the effective entry date, it does not create a future obligation to do so. Any entries not received on or before two banking days prior to the effective entry date may experience delays in settlement and Bank will be held harmless in the event settlement does not occur on the effective entry date
Credit Transactions. The Account holder may credit the cash account linked to the securities account with the following transactions: • transfers; • Remittance of cheques: The amount of the cheque shall be credited to the Account holder’s cash account linked to the securities account subject to clearing, except for cheques drawn on a bank established in a foreign country and cheques denominated in foreign currencies. In this regard, the Bank may, at any time, and notwithstanding any prior practice, credit the account only after effective collection of cheques, or effective payment notice. If a bank transfer is received to credit the Account holder’s account, the Bank makes the transaction amount available to the Account holder (payee) immediately after its own account has been credited or, as applicable, after the foreign exchange transaction has been completed if the transfer is denominated in a currency other than that of the account; The value date of a sum credited to the Account holder’s account by bank transfer may not be later than the business day during which the payment transaction amount is credited to the Bank's account. If a cheque is returned unpaid, the Bank will debit the account by the amount of the cheque that it had credited upon remittance, without the Account holder’s authorization: • within the time periods provided for in the interbank regulations and even if the position of said account does not permit it, in which case the Account holder shall immediately cover the related payment by crediting their account; • outside the time periods provided for in the interbank regulations and when the position on said account permits. The Bank shall be authorized, in the event of an omission on the remitter's part, to endorse on the latter's behalf any cheques paid in and to be credited to the cash account linked to the securities account. In accordance with standard practice, protests concerning cheques remitted by the Account holder shall only be effected upon the latter’s written request. Given that the time required for the protest procedure, both drawing up the protest and the correspondence involved, makes it very difficult to comply with statutory time limitations, the Account holder waives all rights to claim from the Bank any losses thereby incurred and releases the Bank from all liability in the event of late or delayed submission or failure to send any notice of non- payment or non-acceptance. All credit entries are shown, under the usual reserves, on th...
Credit Transactions. Robinhood will initiate an ACH credit at My request to transfer funds from My Account to a recipient that I designate. I agree that I will have sufficient Available Funds in My Account to cover the amount of any ACH credit that I ask Robinhood to initiate. Robinhood will debit the amount of such request from My Account on the Business Day or next Business Day after I request the transfer. A transfer request will be deemed to have been made on a Business Day if it is received by Robinhood on such Business Day; if received after that time, the transfer request will be deemed to have been made on the next Business Day. I agree that Robinhood may use any means which Robinhood, in its sole discretion, considers suitable to execute my ACH credit transfers.
Credit Transactions. Robinhood will initiate an ACH credit at My request to transfer funds from My Account to a recipient that I designate. I agree that I will have sufficient funds (“Available Funds”) in My Account to cover the amount of any ACH credit that I ask Robinhood to initiate. Robinhood will debit the amount of such request from My Account on the Business Day or next Business Day after I request the transfer. A transfer request will be deemed to have been made on a Business Day if it is received by Robinhood by our cut-off time on such Business Day; if received after that time, the transfer request will be deemed to have been made on the next Business Day. I agree that Robinhood may use any means which Robinhood, in its sole discretion, considers suitable to execute my ACH credit transfers.
Credit Transactions. The standard unit of measure used in in-lieu fee mitigation programs and mitigation banking to quantify an impact is a ‘debit’; restoration, enhancement and preservation at a compensatory mitigation project is measured in ‘credits’. Generally, the determination of debits at a permit site and credits at a compensatory mitigation project in Montana are governed by existing Corps procedures specific to compensatory mitigation in the State of Montana. The Corps has established specific and separate procedures for the determination of debits and credits for wetlands and for streams. Determination of debits and credits for the purpose of providing compensatory mitigation under this Instrument will be conducted using the following specific procedures and provided in Exhibit C:
1. Wetland Mitigation: Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Ratios, 2005
2. Stream Mitigation: Montana Stream Mitigation Procedure, 2010. Unless otherwise specified in a specific compensatory mitigation project plan and until updated procedures are published by the Corps, mitigation credits will be determined and counted using the previously listed procedures. While mitigation ratios are generally accounted for in establishing credits achieved, the Corps may, at their discretion and according to the relevant terms of the federal rule, require credit to debit mitigation ratios greater than one to one where necessary to account for the method of compensatory mitigation (e.g., restoration or preservation), the timing of mitigation relative to permitted actions, or other differences between impacts at the permit site and benefits or lift at the compensatory mitigation project.
Credit Transactions. A. AA authorization and form of payment procedures will be followed for acceptance of credit cards and checks. ---------- * Confidential
Credit Transactions. The Merchant may only execute a credit transaction for the cardholder when the goal is to partially or completely refund a card payment that has already been made, e.g. if a customer returns a product that he has purchased from the Merchant. A credit transaction regarding a purchase paid for with a card (previously approved transaction) shall always be executed with a credit transaction on the same payment card as the one used for the purchase involved. The amount may not be refunded in cash. The amount credited to the cardholder may never be higher than the total amount of the relevant transaction. When electronic transactions are involved, credit transactions may be sent electronically. The Merchant is obligated to deliver/send the cardholder a receipt for the credit transaction. PAYSTRAX debits the total amount of the executed credit transaction and other incidental costs in the next settlement for the Merchant or opens a separate account for the Merchant for the credit transaction. Service fees that have already been charged are not reimbursed with a credit transaction.
Credit Transactions. The sums are credited to the Client's account on the day the funds are received by the bank. The account holder can perform the following transactions: Except in certain cases (including certain cheques drawn on a bank established in a foreign country), the deposit amount is credited to the Client account subject to collection. The Bank may, at any time, and notwithstanding any previous practice, credit the account only after the clearing of the cheques or notice of effective settlement. The Bank may reject cheques submitted for collection and, thereby, subsequently debit the amount to the Client's account without their authorisation: In addition, the Bank reserves the right to refuse cheques issued on forms that do not comply with the standards in use in the profession. In case of omission on the part of the Client, the Bank is authorised to endorse on their behalf the cheques credited to the account. In accordance with usual practice, protests against cheques and securities delivered by the Client shall only be made in writing by the Client. As the delays in mailing and making protests make it very difficult to comply with the legal deadlines, the Client waives any forfeiture of rights on this account to the Bank and releases it from any liability in the event of late submission or delay, or failure to send any notice of non-payment or non- acceptance.
Credit Transactions. Credit modalities or other financial support. The Fund may grant credits or other financial support to the central banks of its mem- ber countries and associated central banks that may contribute to cor- rect or prevent situations of balances of payments lack of equilibrium or to solve temporary liquidity difficulties, under the following modal- ities and conditions:
Credit Transactions. 26.1. A debit for a purchase and a subsequent credit for cancellation of goods / services are considered to be two separate transactions. On cancellation, the refund will only be credited to the Card Account (less cancellation charges) as and when received by the Bank. If the credit is not posted to the Card Account within a period of 30 days, you can notify Bank via phone or app.