Production Notice definition
Examples of Production Notice in a sentence
Construction shall be substantially in accordance with the Feasibility Report subject to any variations proposed in the Production Notice, and subject also to the right of the Management Committee to cause such other reasonable variations in Construction to be made as the Management Committee, by Special Majority, deems necessary and advisable.
If a Feasibility Report is approved as aforesaid the Management Committee shall forthwith cause a Production Notice to be given to each of the parties by the Operator stating that the Management Committee has approved that a Mine be established and brought into production in conformity with the Feasibility Report and estimated Construction Costs as so approved.
Construction shall be substantially in accordance with the Feasibility Report subject to any variations proposed in the Production Notice, and subject also to the right of the Management Committee to cause such other reasonable variations in Construction to be made as the Management Committee deems advisable.
If a Feasibility Report is approved as aforesaid the Management Committee shall forthwith cause a Production Notice to be given to each of the Parties with an Interest by the Operator stating that the Management Committee intends to establish and bring a Mine into production pursuant to the Feasibility Report as so approved.
After the date of a Production Notice this section shall be read as if the word “Participant” appeared wherever the word “party” appears.