Approved Training means training undertaken in a traineeship and shall involve formal instruction, both theoretical and practical, and supervised practice in accordance with a traineeship scheme approved by the relevant state training authority or NETTFORCE. The training will be accredited and lead to qualifications as set out in subclause 5(e).
Travel training means providing instruction, as appropriate, to children with significant cognitive disabilities, and any other children with disabilities who require this instruction, to enable them to:
Skills training means systematic skill building through curriculum-based psychoeducational and cognitive-behavioral interventions. These interventions break down complex objectives for role performance into simpler components, including basic cognitive skills such as attention, to facilitate learning and competency.
Vocational training or "vocational education" means
Inpatient treatment means mental health or substance abuse services delivered on a
Transition training means written and verbal instructions
New jobs training program or “program” means the project or projects established by a community college for the creation of jobs by providing education and training of workers for new jobs for new or expanding industry in the merged area served by the community college. The proceeds of the certificates, as authorized by the Act, shall be used only to fund program services related to training programs made necessary by the creation of new jobs.
Mandatory training means training on identifying and reporting child abuse or dependent adult abuse required of physical therapists or physical therapist assistants who are mandatory reporters. The full requirements on mandatory reporting of child abuse and the training requirements are found in Iowa Code section 232.69. The full requirements on mandatory reporting of dependent adult abuse and the training requirements are found in Iowa Code section 235B.16.
SAP Training Catalogue means the catalogue published by SAP containing details of SAP training courses and services.
Training means instruction or teaching designed to impart a specific skill, as opposed to general knowledge.
Online Training means prerecorded training delivered virtually e.g. SAP e-learning.
Inpatient means an Insured Person who is Confined.
Evacuation means the authorized or ordered departure from post of an employee or dependent(s), or any of the circumstances outlined in Section 610j herein. The terms "evacuated" and "ordered/authorized to depart" are used interchangeably in these regulations.
Outpatient treatment means mental health or substance abuse treatment services rendered to a
Inpatient care means treatment for which the insured person has to stay in a hospital for more than 24 hours for a covered event.
Assisted outpatient treatment or "AOT" means the categories of outpatient services ordered by the court under section 468 or 469a. Assisted outpatient treatment may include a case management plan and case management services to provide care coordination under the supervision of a psychiatrist and developed in accordance with person-centered planning under section 712. Assisted outpatient treatment may also include 1 or more of the following categories of services: medication; periodic blood tests or urinalysis to determine compliance with prescribed medications; individual or group therapy; day or partial day programming activities; vocational, educational, or self-help training or activities; assertive community treatment team services; alcohol or substance use disorder treatment and counseling and periodic tests for the presence of alcohol or illegal drugs for an individual with a history of alcohol abuse or substance use disorder; supervision of living arrangements; and any other services within a local or unified services plan developed under this act that are prescribed to treat the individual's mental illness and to assist the individual in living and functioning in the community or to attempt to prevent a relapse or deterioration that may reasonably be predicted to result in suicide, the need for hospitalization, or serious violent behavior. The medical review and direction included in an assisted outpatient treatment plan shall be provided under the supervision of a psychiatrist.
Training Package means a set of qualifications and units of competency developed to meet the training needs of an industry, or a group of industries, and endorsed at the national level. Training Plan means the plan for the training and assessment to be delivered to an individual created by the Training Provider pursuant to Clause 7 of Schedule 1. Training Provider Group means the Training Provider and any other registered training organisation that is a Related Training Provider, other than by reason of paragraph (b) of that term.
Housing assistance means appropriate referrals by the
Routine patient care costs means Covered Medical Expenses which are typically provided absent a clinical trial and not otherwise excluded under the Policy. Routine patient care costs do not include:
Training Site means
Skilled and trained workforce means a workforce that meets all of the following conditions:
On-the-job training means training that is provided by an employer during the routine performance of a job.
Intermittent means care that is to be rendered because of a medically predictable recurring need for skilled home health care. “Skilled home health care” means reasonable and necessary care for the treatment of an illness or injury which requires the skill of a nurse or therapist, based on the complexity of the service and the condition of the patient and which is performed directly by an appropriately licensed professional provider. Home health care requires Preauthorization.
Transient accommodation means a room, group of rooms, or other living or sleeping space for the lodging of occupants, including but not limited to residences or buildings used as residences, that is obtained through a transient space marketplace or is a professionally managed unit. "Transient accommodation" does not include: a hotel or hotel room; a room, group of rooms, or other living or sleeping space used as a place of assembly; a dormitory or other similar residential facility of an elementary or secondary school or a college or university; a hospital, nursing home, or other similar residential facility of a provider of services for the care, support and treatment of individuals that is licensed by the State; a campsite, cabin, lean-to, or other similar residential facility of a campground or an adult or youth camp; a furnished or unfurnished private residential property, including but not limited to condominiums, bungalows, single-family homes and similar living units, where no maid service, room service, linen changing service or other common hotel services are made available by the lessor and where the keys to the furnished or unfurnished private residential property, whether a physical key, access to a keyless locking mechanism, or other means of physical ingress to the furnished or unfurnished private residential property, are provided to the lessee at the location of an offsite real estate broker licensed by the New Jersey Real Estate Commission pursuant to R.S.45:15-1 et seq.; or leases of real property with a term of at least 90 consecutive days.
In-service training means the formal and/or informal work related learning activities required by the employer to be undertaken by an employee through opportunities provided by the employer, which contribute to an employee's professional development and efficiency by:
Medical Child Support Order means any judgment, decree or order (including approval of a domestic relations settlement agreement) issued by a court of competent jurisdiction that: