Release Family definition

Release Family is an Upgrade that is a complete solution with new features or enhancements, including previously released Updates if applicable to the features included in the Upgrade. For example, ServiceNow’s “Geneva” Upgrade established the “Geneva Release Family”, and ServiceNow’s “Helsinki” Upgrade established the “Helsinki Release Family”.
Release Family is an Upgrade that is a complete solution with new features or enhancements, including previously released Updates if applicable to the features included in the Upgrade.
Release Family means each Feature Release and its associated Patches and Hotfixes .

Examples of Release Family in a sentence

  • Customer acknowledges that the current Release Family is the version of the Subscription Service containing the most current features, availability, performance and security.

  • A Customer who is not using a Supported Release Family may be required to apply an Upgrade to a Supported Release Family.

  • Within a Supported Release Family, the most recent Update is the version of the Subscription Service for that Release Family that contains the most current problem fixes, availability, performance and security.

  • A Customer that has not Upgraded to a Supported Release Family may experience defects, for which Customer hereby agrees that WaveOn is not responsible, including without limitation those that affect the features, availability, performance and security of the Subscription Service, that are fixed in the most current version of the Subscription Service.

  • WaveOn may contract with third-party vendors at its sole discretion to perform a penetration test on the WaveOn application per Release Family to identify risks and remediation that help increase security.

More Definitions of Release Family

Release Family is a complete solution with new features or enhancements to the Subscription Service, including previously released Updates, if applicable. “Updates” are ServiceNow’s releases (including patches and hotfixes) of the Subscription Service applied by ServiceNow to Customer’s instances of the Subscription Service at no additional fee during the Subscription Term that provide problem fixes or other changes, but do not generally include new functionality. ServiceNow may provide new functionality either: (a) as an Upgrade, or (b) as different software or service for a separate fee. ServiceNow determines whether and when to develop, release, and apply any Upgrade or Update to Customer’s instances of the Subscription Service. ServiceNow’s current Upgrade Policy can be found at ( ServiceNow shall use reasonable efforts to give Customer 30 days’ prior notice of any Upgrade to the Subscription Service. ServiceNow shall use reasonable efforts to give Customer 10 days’ prior notice of any Update. Notwithstanding the foregoing, ServiceNow may provide Customer with a shorter or no notice period of an Upgrade or Update if, in the reasonable judgment of ServiceNow it is necessary to: (i) maintain the availability, security, or performance of the Subscription Service; (ii) comply with Law; or (iii) avoid infringement or misappropriation of any third-party IPR. ServiceNow is not responsible for defects on any instance of the Subscription Service not in conformance with this Section 3.
Release Family. For example, ServiceNow’s Feature Release “Aspen” established the “Aspen” Release Family, and ServiceNow’s subsequent Feature Release “Berlin” established the “Berlin” Release Family. になされるアップグレードであり、新機能を含みません。 ServiceNow は、各フィーチャー・リリースならびに関連するパッチおよびホットフィックスを「リリース・ファミリー」と呼びます。例えば、ServiceNow のフィーチャー・リリース 「Aspen 」は「Aspen 」リリース・ファミリーを構築し、 ServiceNow の次のフィーチャー・リリース「Berlin」は、 「Berlin」リリース・ファミリーを構築します。
Release Family is a complete solution with new features or enhancements to the Subscription Service, including previously released Updates, if applicable. “Updates” are ServiceNow’s releases (including patches and hotfixes) of the Subscription Service applied by ServiceNow to Customer’s instances of the Subscription Service at no additional fee during the Subscription Term that provide problem fixes or other changes, but do not generally include new functionality. ServiceNow has the discretion to provide new functionality either: (a) as an Upgrade, or (b) as different software or service for a separate fee. ServiceNow determines whether and when to develop, release, and apply any Upgrade or Update to Customer’s instances of the Subscription Service. 「アップグレード」とは、サブスクリプション期間中、追加料金なしで顧客のサブスクリプション・ サービスのインスタンスにServiceNow が適用する新しいリリース・ファミリーです。「リリース・ファミリー」とは、既にリリースされたアップデートを含む(該当する場合)、サブスクリプション・サービスの新機能または機能拡張を有する完全なソリューションです。「アップデート」とは、サブスクリプション期間中、追加料金なしで顧客のサブスクリプション・サービスのインスタンスに ServiceNow が適用するサブスクリプション・サービスの ServiceNow によるリリース(パッチまたはホットフィックスを含む。) であり、問題の修正またはその他の変更を含みますが、一般的に新機能を含みません。 ServiceNow は、自己の判断により、(a) アップグレードとして、または(b) 別料金を必要とする異なるソフトウェアまたはサービスとして、新機能を提供する❦とができま す。ServiceNow は、顧客のサブスクリプション・サービスのインスタンスに対するアップグレードまたはアップデートの開発、リリース および適用の可否および時期を決定する ❦とができます。 ServiceNow shall use reasonable efforts to give Customer 30 days’ prior notice of any Upgrade to the Subscription Service. ServiceNow shall use reasonable efforts to give Customer 10 days’ prior notice of any Update. Notwithstanding the foregoing, ServiceNow may provide Customer with a shorter or no notice period of an Upgrade or Update if, in the reasonable judgment of ServiceNow it is necessary to: (i) maintain the availability, security, or performance of the Subscription Service; (ii) comply with Law; or (iii) avoid infringement or misappropriation of any third-party Intellectual Property Right. ServiceNow is not responsible for defects on any instance of the Subscription Service not in conformance with this Exhibit A.3 - Upgrades and Updates. ServiceNow は、サブスクリプション・サービスのアップグレードの 30 日前までに顧客に対して通知する合理的な努力をします。ServiceNow は、アップデートの10 日前までに通知するよう合理的な努力をします。上記に関わらず、ServiceNow は、(i) サブスクリプション・サービスの可用性、セキュリティもしくはパフォーマンスの維持、 (ii) 法令遵守、または(iii) 第三者の知的財産権の侵害もしくは 不正利用 回避 のた め に 必要で あ る と ServiceNowが合理的に判断する場合、顧客に対してより短期間の通知または通知なしでアップグレードまたはアップデートを提供する❦とができます。ServiceNowは、別紙 A.3 – アップグレードおよびアップデートに適合しないサブスクリプション・サービスのインスタンスに関する不具合に対して責任を負いません。 /// /// /// Remainder of page intentionally left blank /// /// /// 意図的に空欄とさ...
Release Family. For example, Paygle’s Feature Release “Aspen” established the “Aspen” Release Family, and Paygle’s subsequent Feature Release “Berlin” established the “Berlin” Release Family.
Release Family. For example, ServiceNow’s Feature Release “Aspen” established the “Aspen” Release Family, and ServiceNow’s subsequent Feature Release “Berlin” established the “Berlin” Release Family.
Release Family is a complete solution with new features or enhancements to the Software,including previously released Updates, if applicable. “Updates” are Ignyte’s releases (including patches andhotfixes) of the Software applied to Customer’s instances of the Software at no additional fee during the License Term that provide problem fixes or other changes, but do not generally include new functionality. Ignyte has the discretion to provide new functionality either: (a) as an Upgrade, or (b) as different software or service for a separate fee. Ignyte determines whether and when to develop, release, and apply any Upgrade or Update to Customer’s instances of the Software.
Release Family is a complete solution with new features or enhancements to the Subscription Service, including previously released Updates, if applicable. “Updates” are ServiceNow’s releases (including patches and hotfixes) of the Subscription Service applied by ServiceNow to Customer’s instances of the Subscription Service at no additional fee during the Subscription Term that provide problem fixes or other changes, but do not generally include new functionality. ServiceNow has the discretion to provide new functionality either: (a) as an Upgrade, or (b) as different software or service for a separate fee. ServiceNow determines whether and when to develop, release, and apply any Upgrade or Update to Customer’s instances of the Subscription Service. ServiceNow shall use reasonable efforts to give Customer 30 days’ prior notice of any Upgrade to the Subscription Service. ServiceNow shall use reasonable efforts to give Customer 10 days’ prior notice of any Update. Notwithstanding the foregoing, ServiceNow may provide Customer with a shorter or no notice period of an Upgrade or Update if, in the reasonable judgment of ServiceNow it is necessary to: (i) maintain the availability, security, or performance of the Subscription Service; (ii) comply with Law; or (iii) avoid infringement or misappropriation of any third-party Intellectual Property Right. ServiceNow is not responsible for defects on any instance of the Subscription Service not in conformance with this Exhibit A.3 - Upgrades and Updates. /// /// /// Remainder of page intentionally left blank This Data Processing Addendum (“DPA”) is deemed to include Sections 1 through 9 below, including the attached Appendix 1, and the Data Security Guide, all of which are expressly deemed incorporated in the Agreement by this reference. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this DPA and the terms of the Agreement with respect to the subject matter herein, this DPA shall control. Any data processing agreements that may already exist between parties as well as any earlier version of the Data Security Guide to which the parties may have agreed are superseded and replaced by this DPA in their entirety. All capitalized terms not defined in this DPA will have the meaning given to them in other parts of the Agreement.