Relevant professional experience definition

Relevant professional experience means experience working on New Jersey remediation cases. To prove relevant professional experience, the applicant shall demonstrate that he or she has:
Relevant professional experience means professional experience in ICT described as such in the Guidelines for Membership,
Relevant professional experience means experience working under the direction of an LSRP within an organization whose primary activity is the remediation of contaminated sites. To prove relevant professional experience, the applicant must demonstrate:

Examples of Relevant professional experience in a sentence

  • Relevant professional experience does not include experience involving non-scientific or non-technical activities associated with assessment or remediation projects such as contract management, budget control, or other similar management activities.

  • Relevant professional experience will also be taken into account.

  • Relevant professional experience" is experience obtained through conducting or supervising voluntary actions or projects similar in type and scope to voluntary actions.

  • Relevant professional experience includes those who are currently working in education-related fields (e.g. Teacher Aides, Library/IT staff) and teachers holding alternative qualifications (e.g. DipEd).

  • Relevant professional experience outside of the library field may be included if it would be seen as strengthening the dossier.

  • Relevant professional experience does not include experience that involves non-scientific or non-technical activities associated with assessment or remediation projects such as contract management, budget control, or other similar management activities.

  • The cost function used for the evaluation is given in the official tender documents.3. Relevant professional experience of key staff (30%)The documentary evidence to be provided by the Tenderer will be given in the official tender documents.1. Kvalitet Ponude i organizacije (40%)Dokumentovani dokazi koje je potrebno da dostavi Ponuđač će biti data u zvaničnoj tenderskoj dokumentaciji.2. Cena (30%)Ukupna cena Tendera bez PDV-a.

  • Professional experience Relevant professional experience of at least 3 years.

  • Professional experience Relevant professional experience in the field of State aid or scientific assessment of facts related to the topics underlying the various IPCEIs would equally be an asset.

  • Relevant professional experience does not include experience that involves non- scientific or non-technical activities associated with assessment or remediation projects such as contract management, budget control, or other similar management activities.

More Definitions of Relevant professional experience

Relevant professional experience means experience obtained through conducting or supervising voluntary actions or projects similar in type and scope to
Relevant professional experience means professional experience within the same field of duties to which the employee is to be assigned or within a related field. This type of experience is considered to exist if the employee’s previous experience is continued largely unchanged. However, the same activity or a similar activity may also be considered sufficient if it is rated at the same level of the current activity. The crucial factor in this regard is whether the level of knowledge and skill required for the previous activity and the knowledge and experience gained therein are typically specifically required for the new activity as well and are considered characteristic of the new activity; the prior activity and the new activity must be of the same type in terms of the duties involved and the level. The benchmark in this regard is the specific duties associated with the new activity. In the case of prior public service, the measure used to determine whether a prior activity and the activity to be performed in the future are rated at the same level is the employee’s assignment to a group.
Relevant professional experience means experience obtained through conducting or supervising voluntary actions or projects similar in type and scope to voluntary actions and performed for an average minimum of twenty hours per week. Such experience must be of a professional grade and character that indicates the applicant is competent to conduct voluntary actions or render voluntary action opinions. Relevant professional experience performed for less than an average minimum of twenty hours per week will be applied toward the satisfaction of these requirements on a pro rata basis. Relevant professional experience does not include experience involving non-scientific or non-technical activities associated with assessment or remediation projects such as contract management, budget control, or other similar management activities.

Related to Relevant professional experience

  • Professional experience means the actual and lawful pursuit of the profession concerned;

  • Independent professional advice means advice of an attorney, certified public accountant, actuary, or other licensed professional adviser.

  • Clinical experience means providing direct services to individuals with mental illness or the provision of direct geriatric services or special education services. Experience may include supervised internships, practicums, and field experience.

  • Professional Engineer means a person entitled to practise as a Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario under a licence issued under the Professional Engineers Act;

  • Independent Financial Expert means a U.S. investment banking firm of national standing in the United States, (i) which does not, and whose directors, officers and employees or affiliates do not have a direct or indirect material financial interest for its proprietary account in the Company or any of its affiliates and (ii) which, in the judgment of the board of directors of the Company, is otherwise independent with respect to the Company and its affiliates and qualified to perform the task for which it is to be engaged.

  • Licensed Professional Engineer means a person acceptable to Buyer in its reasonable judgment who (a) is licensed to practice engineering in California, (b) has training and experience in the power industry specific to the technology of the Project, (c) has no economic relationship, association, or nexus with Seller or Buyer, other than to meet the obligations of Seller pursuant to this Agreement, (d) is not a representative of a consultant, engineer, contractor, designer or other individual involved in the development of the Project or of a manufacturer or supplier of any equipment installed at the Project, and (e) is licensed in an appropriate engineering discipline for the required certification being made.

  • Expert is defined in Section 7.9 of this Agreement.

  • Qualified professional means, for the purposes of OAR 411-320- 0080, any of the following licensed professionals trained to make a diagnosis of a specific intellectual or developmental disability:

  • Professional geologist means a person who is a graduate of an institution of higher education which is accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency, with a minimum of thirty semester (forty-five quarter) hours of undergraduate or graduate work in a field of geology and whose post-baccalaureate training has been in the field of geology with a specific record of an additional five years of geological experience to include no more than two years of graduate work. 23-41-208, C.R.S. and 34-1-201, C.R.S.

  • Professional service means a type of personal service to the public that requires as a condition precedent to the rendering of the service the obtaining of a license or other legal authorization. Professional service includes, but is not limited to, services rendered by a certified or other public accountant, chiropractor, dentist, optometrist, veterinarian, osteopathic physician, physician, surgeon, podiatrist, chiropodist, physician's assistant, architect, professional engineer, land surveyor, or attorney-at-law.

  • Health professional means any of the following:

  • financial expert means an individual, company or firm who is authorised to give investment advice under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000;

  • Multiphase professional services contract means a contract for the providing of professional

  • Professional athlete means an athlete who performs services in a professional athletic event for wages or other remuneration.

  • Paraprofessional means a person who does not have an academic degree related to the scope of treatment or support services being provided but performs prescribed functions under the general supervision of that discipline.

  • Professional Client means a “Professional Client” for the purposes of CySEC Rules, as specified in the Client Categorization Policy found on the Company’s Website.

  • Registered professional engineer means a person who is registered as a professional engineer pursuant to s. 443.04, Stats.

  • Professional service or professional services means a professional service or professional services as defined in the Health Insurance Act 1973.

  • Qualified mental health professional means a licensed medical practitioner or any other person meeting the qualifications specified in OAR 309-019-0125.

  • Health profession means those licensed or regulated professions set forth in RCW 18.120.020(4).

  • Work experience means an activity in the unpaid employment component in which the participant works without pay at a job site to develop good work habits and basic vocational skills that enhance the likelihood the participant will become employed. "Work experience" is available through private for-profit businesses, nonprofit organizations, or public agencies.¶

  • Medical professional means any person licensed or certified to provide health care services to

  • Retained Professional means an Entity: (a) employed in the Chapter 11 Cases pursuant to a Final Order in accordance with sections 327 and 1103 of the Bankruptcy Code and to be compensated for services rendered prior to the Effective Date, pursuant to sections 327, 328, 329, 330, or 331 of the Bankruptcy Code; or (b) for which compensation and reimbursement has been allowed by the Bankruptcy Court pursuant to section 503(b)(4) of the Bankruptcy Code.

  • Professional Conduct Committee means the professional conduct committee established by the Council in terms of section 12(2)(b);

  • Mental health professional means a psychiatrist,

  • Licensed professional counselor means a counselor licensed by a member state, regardless of the title used by that state, to independently assess, diagnose, and treat behavioral health conditions.