Right to Buy definition
Examples of Right to Buy in a sentence
On the 26 July 2012 Cabinet gave approval to enter into an agreement with the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government which allows the Council to retain additional Right to Buy receipts over and above that budgeted by Treasury.
Capital receipts from Right to Buy (RTB) sales of council dwellings are pooled between the Council and central government.
The Right to Buy scheme provides and opportunity for most council tenants to buy their home at a discounted price.
Dwellings sold under Right to Buy are deemed to become surplus on the day that the transfer to the tenant takes place (completion of the sale), and are therefore considered operational until they are sold.
Homelessness policy and advice andassistance to persons homeless and in housing need, Housing Allocation Scheme, Sheltered Housing, Estates Management, Housing Revenue Account and Business Plan, Right to Buy and other Housing Revenue Account disposals, partnership with Registered Providers, enable new opportunities to address housing need through partnership working and Disability FacilitiesGrant regime.