Second violation definition
Second violation means the second time the department imposes a penalty under this section, regardless of the number of individuals the private employer hired in violation of Subsection 63G-12-301(1).
Second violation has the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 8.3(b);
Second violation. ((. This)) means the alleged violator com- mitted one prior incident ((which resulted)) resulting in a ((viola- tion or violations)) notice of intent within three years of committing the current alleged violation.
Examples of Second violation in a sentence
Second violation: Disgorgement of any profit from the transaction, three month trading ban, and written notice to Managing Director of the employee's division.
Second violation the staff member may be terminated or the student may be expelled from school.
Second violation: Landlord will declare the Resident to be in default under the Lease Agreement and Resident will be responsible for any and all damages caused by the unauthorized smoking including, but not limited to furniture cleaning and carpet cleaning and/or replacement.
Second violation by a team will result in the offending player being removed from the contest.
Second violation within a five (5) month period – written warning.
More Definitions of Second violation
Second violation means one same or similar violation as a first violation that occurs within two years of the first violation.
Second violation means the second time
Second violation means the alleged violator committed one prior incident resulting in a notice of intent within three years of committing the current alleged violation.
Second violation means the alleged violator committed one same or similar violation within three years of committing the current vio- lation.
Second violation means the determination that after ten (10) working days past the notification of a first violation, the condition or conditions constituting the first violation remain uncorrected or otherwise not compliant with the requirements, provisions, and regulations of this chapter. Upon ascertaining and documenting the occurrence of a second violation at a project site, the City Engineer or Storm Water Coordinator will issue a non-compliance citation to the appropriate individual or individuals responsible for correcting the violating condition or conditions, together with a notice that the correction must be accomplished within five (5) calendar days from the date of the non- compliance citation, and the potential for personnel or a contractor employed by the City of Jasper complete work to correct the violating condition or conditions at the project site. The civil penalty for the non- compliance citation of a second violation will be no less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and no more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). If the penalty is not paid within thirty (30) days, the citation may be enforced in Court by any remedy allowed by Law, and an action or any other remedy allowed by law, including filing a lien on the project site, may be maintained to recover the costs of corrective measures employed by the City Engineer or Storm Water Coordinator in addition to the fine or penalty referred to above.
Second violation means the alleged violator commit-
Second violation means the alleged violator commit- ted one same or similar violation within three years of com- mitting the current violation.