Service Periods definition
Examples of Service Periods in a sentence
Subject to the clause 9.1.3 below, the SERVICE PERIODS have the duration indicated on the connectivity WEBSITE based on the price and duration options chosen by the SUBSCRIBER when purchasing and subscribing to the SERVICES.Availablility of the SERVICES cannot be guaranteed permanently due to potential future technical developments (including but not limited to: smartphones, operating systems, network availability, obsolescence of technical environment,...).
SERVICE PERIODS: The Service Period and Measurement Period are considered to be all times other than the Schedule Downtime.
June 27, 2014 August 1, 2014 OF THE WEST d/b/a CenturyLInk of the West WYOMING Original Sheet 2 INITIAL SERVICE PERIODS AND TERMINATION OF SERVICE EXCHANGE SERVICE 1.
They must meet the terms of this policy and will be held accountable, through contracts, audits and spot checks, for complying with it.5LWF employees include all staff with any contract established in Geneva or by the LWF field offices, to conduct activities outlined in their job descriptions or terms of reference.
SERVICE PERIODS CREDITED.— For purposes of this section, periods of service with a Federal home loan bank, a joint office of Federal home loan banks, or a Federal reserve bank shall be credited as periods of service with a Federal agency.