Examples of Sheltered Content Instruction in a sentence
Sheltered Content Instruction systematically incorporates an array of teaching strategies that make core content classes more comprehensible and accessible to ELs while promoting their English as a Second Language, such as scaffolding, differentiating instruction for ELs, grouping ELs by English Language Proficiency level, using adapted materials, texts, and visual displays, cooperative learning and group work, offering primary language support, and providing clarification.
A Sheltered Content Instruction training report that includes, for each school, the teachers, by name and subject, who have started, completed, or are expected to complete by the end of the school year the Sheltered Content Instruction training required by Paragraph 21.
Teratogenesis, carcinogenesis, and mutagenesis, 2003; 23(S1): 323-335.
The District will develop a classroom walkthrough tool to document and provide constructive feedback on teachers’ use of ELD and Sheltered Content Instruction for EL students.
English Learners at CPS receive Sheltered Content Instruction in content area classrooms with SEI endorsed teachers.
The District will actively recruit for relevant teaching and administrative positions, including special education positions, candidates who have an ESL License, are trained in Sheltered Content Instruction and/or have bilingual language skills.
For all instructional materials for ELs, the District will ensure that teachers of ESL and Sheltered Content Instruction are adequately trained on how to use these materials before school starts each year of this Agreement, within 30 days of the start of school, or if hired after the start of school, within 30 days of hire.
The ESOL Coaches will ensure that EL students in their assigned schools receive appropriate ELD and Sheltered Content Instruction to gain English language proficiency in a reasonable period of time and have equitable access to the Core Content.
The re-evaluation will include assessing, through classroom observations and walkthroughs, whether teachers are adequately and appropriately providing Sheltered Content Instruction and ELD to EL students and whether EL students are progressing in gaining proficiency in English.
Other programs include: Push-in, After school tutoring, Spanish Language Arts, Co-Teaching: content-based and ELD instruction, One-on- one classroom instruction - English in a Flash computer software, ECELL, Immersion, individual tutoring based on specific student need and developmental level, Literacy based ESL, Newcomer Program, Sheltered Content Instruction, Daily ELD Blocks, and Inclusion with pull out available.