Examples of Social Procurement in a sentence
The nature of the complaints refers to allegations related to the projects financed by the EIB in the areas of Environment and Social, Procurement as well as Governance (legal and financial structure of the project, EIB’s general due diligence of the project, implementation of EIB policies by borrowers, etc.).
Social Procurement generates positive outcomes by building on initiatives already undertaken by the Council in enhancing sustainable and strategic procurement practice, further enabling procurement to effectively contribute towards building stronger communities and meeting the social objectives of the Council.
The implementation of Social Procurement is empowering Councils to realise they can use their buying power to generate positive social outcomes for their communities, on top of getting the best value for goods and services.
The Tied Bid procedure allows for first to consider whether any of the bidders are a Diverse Supplier as defined in the Social Procurement Policy to break the tie.
In the event that the Board receives two (2) or more Bids identical in price, the Board reserves the right to select one of the tied Bids pursuant to a process that allows for consideration of whether any of the Bidders are a Diverse Supplier as defined in the Social Procurement Policy in order to break the tie.
The City of Toronto expects its Bidders to embrace and support the City of Toronto Social Procurement Program and its respective goals.
As part of the Social Procurement Program, the City may require Bidders to implement a Workforce Development Plan (WD Plan).
Completion of Tender Document – Specification, Performance Requirements and Selection Requirements Western Australian Social Procurement Framework Practice Guide A list of State Agency contacts is available in the Department of Finance Contact List.
Examples of Social Procurement are as follows: • Employing local workers; • Employing economically disadvantaged and socially marginalised constituents; • Using local sub – contractors; • Using local accommodation; • Using local suppliers or materials.
See the Western Australian Social Procurement Framework Practice Guide for information about incorporating the delivery of Community Outcomes into specifications.