Examples of Special character in a sentence
Special character as listed below: Character Name! Exclamation@ At sign# Number sign (hash)$ Dollar sign^ Caret& Ampersand* Asterisk( Left parenthesis) Right parenthesisEnforce password historyNot the same as any of the last 5 passwords HKEX’s network has applied different levels of security measures to provide a secure infrastructure for the Issuer Information feed Service (IIS) System.
In the message header, the member code field for Information Subscribers must be ‘DATA’, the user code that the Exchange supplies must be filled into the user code field in the login message.The password must comply with the following standards:• Minimum length – 8 characters• Complexity: Any three of the following four:o Uppercaseo Lowercaseo Numerico Special character 5.4 I’m Alive The system will transmit to the API user an ‘I’m alive’ message (message 10, Section 8.5).
Use of the Township’s computer network shall be governed by the following terms and conditions: Passwords - Passwords should be at least 6 characters long and contain at least three of the following four elements:• Lower case letter• Upper case letter• Number• Special character (! # $ % ^ & +) etc.
Optional features may be added to either the 1.544 Mbps or the Voice Grade channels.
Protects the special character of the school (Special character schools)3.1 Special character is obviously considered in all board decisions3.2 Special character report is included at every board meeting as part of the principal’s report4.
Following the calculation of the checksum, the resulting 2-byte hexadecimal value shall be encoded as a 4-character Alphanumeric Special value by converting each nibble to an Alphanumeric Special character.
Passwords for all identity credentials are case sensitive (The "Caps Lock" key should be off) and must meet the following rules:• Eight characters or longer, (longer is preferable)• Contains the following three distinguishing features:• Upper-case• Lower-case• Special character (punctuation and other symbols).
Special character buildings Buildings that have been designated as listed or ancient monuments are exempted from the obligation to issue an Energy Performance Certificate when they are available for sale or renting.
The Password should have Minimum 8 characters with a Capital, Numeric & Special character mandatorily.
Protects the special character of the school (Special character schools)3.1 Special character is obviously considered in all Board decisions3.2 Special character report is included at every Board meeting as part of the Principal’s report4.