Examples of Start of Service Date in a sentence
Within the five-day timeframe, if Customer neither informs CenturyLink about errors nor accepts the circuit, the circuit will be considered to have been accepted and the Start of Service Date to have commenced on the fifth day following CenturyLink’s ready notification, regardless of whether Customer placed traffic over the circuit.
If Customer does not order new TNs from CenturyLink, and Ported TNs are not ported within 60 days of the Start of Service Date for a specific location, CenturyLink reserves the right to terminate Service at that location.
Customer will be assessed a non-recurring charge for each Circuit cancelled between the date of its acceptance by XO and the projected Start of Service Date.
Charges will commence within five days of the Start of Service Date.
If a Service Order is modified after its acceptance by XO, per-Circuit change charges will apply as follows: $50 for any change requested by Customer within five (5) days of Service Order acceptance; $200 for any change requested by Customer between five (5) days of Service Order acceptance and five (5) days of the projected Start of Service Date; and $400 for any change requested by Customer within five (5) days of the projected Start of Service Date.