Examples of Stormwater Control Measure in a sentence
SCM): "Stormwater Control Measure" or "SCM," also known as a structural "Best Management Practice" or "BMP," means a permanent device that is designed, constructed, and maintained to remove pollutants from stormwater runoff by promoting settling or filtration; or to mimic the natural hydrologic cycle by promoting infiltration, evapo-transpiration, post-filtration discharge, reuse of stormwater, or a combination thereof.
Biotreatment or Biofiltration Treatment –A Stormwater Control Measure designed to detain stormwater runoff, filter stormwater through soil media and plant roots, and release the treated stormwater runoff to the storm drain system.
The Permittee shall develop a database with information regarding each structural Stormwater Control Measure installed per these Post-Construction Stormwater Management Requirements.
Prior to approval of a final plat or issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any development where a Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) is required, contact the Environmental Programs Manager at 919-249-3413 to demonstrate that the required structure is in place, is operational and complies with all relevant portions of UDO Sec.
The SCP shall include a site plan, Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) sizing calculations, details of bioretention design, and dimensions of drainage management areas.
This Appendix provides the acceptable Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) sizing methodology to evaluate runoff characteristics.
ATTACHMENT 1: Watershed Management Zones ATTACHMENT 2: Definitions Related to Post-Construction Requirements Bioretention – A Stormwater Control Measure designed to retain stormwater runoff using vegetated depressions and soils engineered to collect, store, treat, and infiltrate runoff.
Stormwater Control Plan – A plan, developed by the Regulated Project applicant, detailing how the project will achieve the applicable Post-Construction Stormwater Management Requirements (for both onsite and offsite systems).ATTACHMENT 3: Hydrologic Analysis and Stormwater Control Measure Sizing Guidance Project site conditions will influence the ability to comply with the Water Quality Treatment and Runoff Retention Performance Requirements.
The City will develop a database with information regarding each structural Stormwater Control Measure installed per these Post-Construction Stormwater Management Requirements.
Prior to approval of a Final Plat or issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any development where a Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) is required, contact the Environmental Programs Manager at 919-249-3413 to demonstrate that the required structure is in place, is operational, and complies with all relevant portions of UDO Sec.