Subconcession definition
Examples of Subconcession in a sentence
The parties agree that any gaming venture established in Macau S.A.R. shall be carried on by or through Melco PBL Gaming pursuant to the terms of the Subconcession.
The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 21 are applicable to the act of granting the management power of the Subconcessionaire for the first time to the managing director after the conclusion of this Subconcession Contract.
Upon the redemption of the concession, the Subconcessionaire shall have the right to obtain reasonable and fair compensation/indemnity for losses due to the redemption of its Resort — Hotel — Casino facilities referred to in the Investment Plan attached to this Subconcession contract.
Standards for the calculation of the amount of compensation/indemnity shall be determined according to the amount of the revenue of the said premises, generated during the tax year prior to the redemption, before deducting any amounts for interests, depreciation and redemption of equipment, multiplied by the number of years missing to the term referred to in this Subconcession contract.
From the 15th year of the Subconcession onwards, the government may redeem the subconcession by at least one year prior notice to the Subconcessionaire sent by registered post with return slip request unless the laws stipulate otherwise.