Subscriber Unit definition
Examples of Subscriber Unit in a sentence
Such request must include the model and serial number of the Subscriber Unit, the name of the Assignee, and identifying Talk Groups required in the Subscriber Unit.
The ‘transmission network’ provides the following type of links:• Links between customer connections and exchange locations, including underground and overhead paths;• Links between Remote Subscriber Unit (“RSU”) locations and exchange locations(primary, secondary and tertiary);• Links between exchange locations.These paths are recorded in the Fixed Asset Register as cable and associated equipment.
The Vendor may invoice the Owner and the Owner will pay to the Vendor $3.85 for the upgrading of each such satisfactorily OTASP-upgraded Subscriber Unit.
Effective as of October 2, 2002, Section 2 of that certain Representation Amendment to Subscriber Unit License Agreement dated October 2, 2002 between the Parties (which added a new Section 5.11 to the License Agreement) is hereby deleted.
This is called a committed dose (in sieverts).Any radioactive materials taken into the body will decrease over time.