Examples of Substitute Capacity in a sentence
The CAISO will pre-qualify a resource to provide RA Substitute Capacity that is located at the same bus as, or a compatible bus to, that of the Local Capacity Area Resource Adequacy Resource for which it could substitute.
If a Generating Unit providing both system RA Capacity and Listed Local RA Capacity is on Forced Outage, then for purposes of RAAIM and RA Substitute Capacity the quantity of the Forced Outage will be apportioned first to the system RA Capacity provided from that Generating Unit.
The CAISO annually will conduct a process to assess the eligibility of resources to pre-qualify as RA Substitute Capacity for Local Capacity Resource Adequacy Resources that potentially could be Listed Local RA Capacity in the time period covered by the process.
To use RA Substitute Capacity from multiple resources, the Scheduling Coordinator for a resource providing Flexible RA Capacity on a Forced Outage must submit a timely substitution request in the Day-Ahead Market or the Real-Time Market and the alternate resources must be located in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, which does not include a Pseudo-Tie of a Generating Unit or a Resource-Specific System Resource.
To use RA Substitute Capacity from multiple resources, the Scheduling Coordinator for RA Capacity other than Listed Local RA Capacity on Outage must submit a timely substitution request in the Day-Ahead Market or the Real-Time Market in accordance with Section