PV System means, a photovoltaic system, including Solar Photovoltaic Panels, Inverters, Racking Systems, wiring and other electrical devices, as applicable, conduits, weatherproof housings, hardware, remote monitoring equipment, connectors, meters, disconnects and over current devices (including any replacement or additional parts included from time to time).
Transmission System Code means the code, approved by the Board, that is in force at the relevant time, which regulates the financial and information obligations of the Transmitter with respect to its relationship with customers, as well as establishing the standards for connection of customers to, and expansion of a transmission system;
Combined sewer system means a system for conveying both sanitary sewage and storm water runoff.
Small municipal separate storm sewer system or "small MS4" means all separate storm sewers that are (i) owned or operated by the United States, a state, city, town, borough, county, parish, district, association, or other public body (created by or pursuant to state law) having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes, stormwater, or other wastes, including special districts under state law such as a sewer district, flood control district or drainage district, or similar entity, or an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian tribal organization, or a designated and approved management agency under § 208 of the CWA that discharges to surface waters and (ii) not defined as "large" or "medium" municipal separate storm sewer systems or designated under 4VAC50-60-380 A 1. This term includes systems similar to separate storm sewer systems in municipalities, such as systems at military bases, large hospital or prison complexes, and highway and other thoroughfares. The term does not include separate storm sewers in very discrete areas, such as individual buildings.
Gathering System means that portion of Gatherer’s pipeline system, including all appurtenances thereto, related to the provision of gathering and transportation services provided by Gatherer pursuant to this tariff.
Municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4 means a conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains):
Plumbing system means water supply distribution and disposal piping on the premises, including appliances and equipment attached thereto, between their connection points to a public or private system.
MERS(R) System The system of recording transfers of Mortgages electronically maintained by MERS.
smart metering system means an electronic system that is capable of measuring electricity fed into the grid or electricity consumed from the grid, providing more information than a conventional meter, and that is capable of transmitting and receiving data for information, monitoring and control purposes, using a form of electronic communication;
911 system means the set of network, database and customer premise equipment (CPE) components required to provide 911 service.
Signaling System 7 (SS7) means a signaling protocol used by the CCS Network.
Interconnection Service means the physical and electrical interconnection of the Customer Facility with the Transmission System pursuant to the terms of Tariff, Part IV and Tariff, Part VI and the Interconnection Service Agreement entered into pursuant thereto by Interconnection Customer, the Interconnected Transmission Owner and Transmission Provider.
Sewer System means pipelines or conduits, pumping stations, force mains, vehicles, vessels, conveyances, injection wells, and all other constructions, devices, and appliances appurtenant thereto used for conducting sewage or industrial waste or other wastes to a point of ultimate disposal or disposal to any water of the state. To the extent that they are not subject to section 402 of the federal Water Pollution Control Act, ditches, pipes, and drains that serve only to collect, channel, direct, and convey nonpoint runoff from precipitation are not considered as sewer systems for the purposes of this part of this division.
Municipal separate storm sewer system means a conveyance or system of conveyances including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, manmade channels, or storm drains.
Plasma arc incinerator means any enclosed device using a high intensity electrical discharge or arc as a source of heat followed by an afterburner using controlled flame combustion and which is not listed as an industrial furnace.
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Management Program or "MS4 Program" means a management program covering the duration of a state permit for a municipal separate storm sewer system that includes a comprehensive planning process that involves public participation and intergovernmental coordination, to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable, to protect water quality, and to satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements of the CWA and regulations and the Act and attendant regulations, using management practices, control techniques, and system, design and engineering methods, and such other provisions that are appropriate.
Air Conditioning System Is cooling supplied to all finished rooms? Yes No Unknown Does Not Apply Comments: Is the system in operating condition? Yes No Unknown Does Not Apply Comments:
Wastewater System means a system of wastewater collection, treatment,
Metering System means all meters and metering devices (including current transformers and potential transformers) installed by the Company and uses to measure Electricity and delivery by the Company and receipt by the BPDB of Net Energy Output. The Metering System shall be owned and maintained by the Company.
SDX System means the system used by NERC to exchange system data.
Cabinet x-ray system means an x-ray system with the x-ray tube installed in an enclosure independent of existing architectural structures except the floor on which it may be placed. The cabinet x-ray system is intended to contain at least that portion of a material being irradiated, provide radiation attenuation, and exclude personnel from its interior during generation of radiation. Included are all x-ray systems designed primarily for the inspection of carry-on baggage at airline, railroad, and bus terminals, and in similar facilities. An x-ray tube used within a shielded part of a building, or x-ray equipment that may temporarily or occasionally incorporate portable shielding, is not considered a cabinet x-ray system.
Passenger area means the area designed to seat the driver and passengers while a motor vehicle is in operation and any area that is readily accessible to the driver or a passenger while in his or her seating position, including but not limited to any type of glove or storage compartment accessible to passengers or driver.
Utility system means electrical equipment owned by or under the control of a serving utility that is used for the transmission or dis- tribution of electricity from the source of supply to the point of contact and is defined in section 90.2 (b)(5) of the National Electri- cal Code, 1981 edition (see RCW 19.28.010(1)).
Generation Service means the sale of electricity, including ancillary services such as the provision of reserves, to a Customer by a Competitive Supplier.
Transportation Service means a service for moving people and goods, such as intercity bus service and passenger rail service.
Tank system means a hazardous waste storage or treatment tank and its associated ancillary equipment and containment system.