Table E Sample Clauses
Table E. No. Service Level Calculation and/or Description Measurement(s) No. Service Level Calculation and/or Description Measurement(s) No. Service Level Calculation and/or Description Measurement(s) No. Service Level Calculation and/or Description Measurement(s) No. Service Level Calculation and/or Description Measurement(s) No. Service Level Calculation and/or Description Measurement(s) No. Service Level Calculation and/or Description Measurement(s)
Table E academic outcomes at receiving institution
Table E. 30 GUARANTEED SUB-ACCOUNT RIDERS, IF ANY DEFINITIONS Accumulation Period -the period during which the Participant is Covered under this Group Annuity Contract prior to the Participant's Annuity Commencement Date. Accumulation Unit -an accounting unit used to determine the Variable Contract Value before the Annuity Commencement Date. Annuitant -the person upon whose life the payment of an annuity is based. Annuity Commencement Date -the date on which annuity payments commence under a Method of Payment Option, which for any Participant is not later than the first of the month after the month he/she must retire under the terms of the Plan, unless earlier permitted by the Group Policyholder. Annuity Payment Period -the period during which the Participant is Covered under this Group Annuity Contract after the Participant's Annuity Commencement Date. Annuity Unit -an accounting unit used to determine the dollar value of any Variable Dollar Annuity Payment after the First Payment. Company -the Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Company. Deposit -includes Contributions, Transfers and other amounts Deposited into Guaranteed or Variable Sub-Accounts. Eligible Fund -a registered management investment company in which the assets of the Series Account may be invested. Group Annuity Contract Date -the effective date indicated by the Group Policyholder on the Application for this Group Annuity Contract, or such other date which is acceptable to the Company. Group Policyholder -the employer of a Participant and the Applicant for this Group Annuity Contract.
Table E. 1 – Data publication list part 1: updated periodically as required Time Item / Data Record Term Subscript Periodically as required Within two Working Days of The Code Modification As soon as practical but no later than two Proposal Notice Working Days after receipt of Modification ProposalAs soon as practical but no later than two Consultation on Proposal Notice Working Days after publication of the Proposal NoticeAs soon as practical but no later than two Responses to consultation on Proposal Working Days after receipt of responses to Notice consultationAs soon as practical but no later than two Further information on Proposal Notice Working Days after receipt of further informationAs soon as practical but no later than two Final Recommendation Report Working Days after receipt of Final Recommendation ReportAs soon as practical but no later than two Regulatory Authority decision on Final Working Days after receipt of Regulatory Modification Recommendation Authority decision on Final Modification RecommendationAs updated and at least within two Working List of Parties, Participants and each of their Days of a successful application or Generator Units and Supplier Units unsuccessful application As issued and at least within two Making or lifting of a Suspension Order Working Days of issue As issued and at least within two Termination Order Working Days of issue As received and at least within two Working Generator Unit Under Test Notice Days of issue As updated Proposed Market Operator Isolated Market Time Item / Data Record Term Subscript As updated and at least within two Working Days of updateAs updated and at least two Weeks in advance of the MeetingWithin one Working Day of receipt from the Regulatory Authorities As updated and at least within two Working Days of update As soon a possible after calculation AnnuallyAnnuallyUpdated as required Updated as required System Testing Schedule Details of the Accession Fees and Participation Fees Date of the next meeting of the Modifications Committee Supplier Suspension Delay Period Members and chairperson of the Modification Committee Calculations and methodology used by the Market Operator during Administered Settlement Variable Market Operator Price System per Unit Regulation Registered Capacity Forecast Demand VMOP UREG RC FD y None u h At least two Months before start of Year, or within five Working Days of its receipt from the Regulatory Authorities, whichever later Annual Capacity Exchange Rate ACER y At...
Table E. 30 GUARANTEED SUB-ACCOUNT RIDERS, IF ANY DEFINITIONS Accumulation Period - the period during which the Participant is Covered under this Group Annuity Contract prior to the Participant's Annuity Commencement Date. Accumulation Unit - an accounting unit used to determine the Variable Contract Value before the Annuity Commencement Date. Annuitant - the Person upon whose life the payment of an annuity is based. Annuity Commencement Date - the date on which annuity payments commence under a Method of Payment Option, which for any Participant is not later than the first of the month after the month he/she must retire under the terms of the Plan, unless earlier permitted by the Group Policyholder. Annuity Payment Period - the period during which the Participant is Covered under this Group Annuity Contract after the Participant's Annuity Commencement Date. Annuity Unit - an accounting unit used to determine the dollar value of any Variable Dollar Annuity Payment after the First Payment. Company - the Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Company. Deposit - includes Contributions, Transfers and other amounts Deposited into Guaranteed or Variable Sub-Accounts. Eligible Fund - a registered management investment company in which the assets of the Series Account may be invested. Group Annuity Contract Date - the effective date indicated by the Group Policyholder on the Application for this Group Annuity Contract, or such other date which is acceptable to the Company. Group Policyholder - the employer of a Participant and the Applicant for this Group Annuity Contract. DEFINITIONS (continued) Guaranteed Account - the portion of this Group Annuity Contract providing Guaranteed Sub-Accounts, each having a Guaranteed Interest Rate and containing fixed dollar amounts. Guaranteed Contract Value - the sum of the values of the Guaranteed Sub-Accounts credited to the Group Policyholder in respect of a Participant under a Participant Annuity Account. Guaranteed Interest Rate - the minimum interest rate applicable to Guaranteed Sub-Accounts which on an annual effective basis is 4%. Guaranteed Sub-Account - a subdivision of the Guaranteed Account having a Guaranteed Interest Rate and containing fixed dollar amounts. This subdivision is described in greater detail in the attached Guaranteed Sub-Account Riders, if any. Investment Division - a division of the Series Account containing the shares of a specific portfolio of the Eligible Fund. There is an Investment Division for each port...
Table E. Component code (if any) Component title (as indicated in the course catalogue) at the receiving institution Was the component successfully completed by the student? [Yes/No] Number of ECTS credits Receiving institution grade Component code (if any) Component title (as indicated in the course catalogue) at the receiving institution Number of ECTS credits Sending institution grade, if applicable
Table E. Acceptance and Payment Factor Per Each Individual Layer of Epoxy Overlay
Table E. 1, Risk Questions, Measurement Endpoints, and Associated Decision Points for Each Assessment Endpoint. Additional assessment endpoints are needed to address the risk questions and measurement endpoints. Add survival, growth, and reproduction of fish communities to go along with the first risk question regarding comparison of surface water concentrations to benchmarks for survival, growth, and reproduction of fish. The measurement endpoint for growth and survivorship of larval fathead minnows would apply to this assessment endpoint. The measurement endpoint for fecundity and survivorship of Ceriodaphnia pertains to an assessment endpoint for survival, growth, and reproduction of aquatic invertebrates. Species richness and abundance is part of the assessment endpoint for survival, growth, and reproduction of fish communities. Survival, growth, and reproduction should be included in the assessment endpoint for the benthic invertebrate communities as well. Survival, growth, and reproduction should be part of the assessment endpoints for the wildlife populations. Tissue residues in invertebrates, such as dragonflies, compared to tissue residue effects levels can be a measurement endpoint. Address the issue of survival, growth, and reproduction as appropriate in the revised document.
Table E. 1 Dispute resolution process