Examples of Tender Instruction in a sentence
You must sign the Tender Instruction Form to complete your instruction.
In an emergency, you may overnight your completed yellow Tender Instruction Form to: American Express Trust Company, ATTN: Limited Brands Account Team, 921 AXP Financial Center, Minneapolis, MN 55474, or you may fax it to the Trustee at 612-671-4242.
Unless you sign the Tender Instruction Form, your direction cannot be honored and the Tender Instruction Form will be void.
The address you should use to return the yellow Tender Instruction form is on the postage paid, pre-addressed return envelope.
The address is on the return envelope you should use to return the Tender Instruction form.
Designate on the yellow Tender Instruction Form the price or prices at which you are willing to tender your Plan Shares.
You may mail your Tender Instruction Form to the Administrative Committee for the Savings and Retirement Plan, 82 South Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748-9918 in the preaddressed reply envelope that has been provided for your reply or send it by an alternate faster means (such as overnight courier).
The only way that you can tender your Plan Shares is by completing the yellow Tender Instruction Form as described, signing and returning it to the Trustee who will process your instructions.
The Bid Documents will comprise the following documents and addenda issued in accordance with the conditions as below:Letter of concern Invitation of bids Check listLetter of Tender Instruction to BiddersEligibility/ Qualification criteria Bid documentsPreparation of Bids Submission of BidsBid opening and evaluation Award of contractDetails in support of eligibility criteria General conditionsUndertaking Special conditionsAnnexure (Vehicle details and requirements)9.
Use this envelope to return your completed Tender Instruction Form if you wish to have the Trustee tender your Plan Shares.