Transmission Shortage Cost definition

Transmission Shortage Cost. As defined in the NYISO Services Tariff.
Transmission Shortage Cost. As defined in the NYISO Services Tariff. Transmission System: The facilities operated by the ISO that are used to provide Transmission Services under Part 3, Part 4 or Part 5 of this Tariff. Transmission Usage Charge (“TUC”): Payments made by the Transmission Customer to cover the cost of Marginal Losses and, during periods of time when the transmission system is Constrained, the marginal cost of Congestion. The TUC is equal to the product of: (1) the LBMP at the POW minus the LBMP at the POI (in $/MWh); and (2) the scheduled or delivered Energy (in MWh). Transmission Wheeling Agreement (“TWA”): The agreements listed in Table 1A of Attachment L to the ISO OATT governing the use of specific or designated transmission facilities that are owned, controlled or operated by an entity for the transmission of Energy in interstate commerce. TWAs between Transmission Owners have been modified such that all TWAs between Transmission Owners are now MWAs.
Transmission Shortage Cost. The maximum reduction in system costs associated withresulting from an incremental relaxation of a particular Constraint that will be used in calculating LBMP. The Transmission Shortage Costs are is set at $350/MWh for relaxation above zero and less than or equal to 5MW, $1175/MWh for relaxation above 5MW and less than or equal to 20MW, and

Examples of Transmission Shortage Cost in a sentence

  • The ISO may periodically evaluate the Transmission Shortage Cost to determine whether it is necessary to modify the Transmission Shortage Cost to avoid future operational or reliability problems.

  • Transmission Shortage Cost: A pricing mechanism utilized in determining the Shadow Price of a particular transmission Constraint that will be used in calculating LBMP in accordance with Section 17.1.4 of Attachment B of this ISO Services Tariff.

  • The applicable Transmission Shortage Cost depends on whether a particular transmission Constraint is associated with a transmission facility or Interface that includes a non-zero constraint reliability margin value.

  • In all circumstances, the ISO will: (i) consult with those entities as soon as reasonably possible after implementing a temporary modification and shall explain the reasons for the change; and (ii) notify Market Participants of any temporary modification.The responsibilities of the ISO and the Market Monitoring Unit in evaluating and modifying the Transmission Shortage Cost, as necessary are addressed in Attachment O, Section of this Market Services Tariff (“Market Monitoring Plan”).

  • The responsibilities of the ISO and the Market Monitoring Unit in evaluating and modifying the Transmission Shortage Cost, as necessary are addressed in Attachment O, Section of this Market Services Tariff (“Market Monitoring Plan”).

  • Transmission Shortage Cost: A series of quantity/price points that defines the maximum Shadow Price of a particular Constraint that will be used in calculating LBMP.

  • New York Independent System Operator, Inc., Proposed Tariff Revisions to Ancillary Service Demand Curves and the Transmission Shortage Cost (February 18, 2015); and New York Independent System Operator, Inc., 151 FERC ¶ 61,057 (2015).compensated in response to actual system conditions.

  • Mr. Andy Peebles (Saracen) asked if future discussions regarding potential further enhancements to the NYISO’s transmission constraint pricing logic would include an assessment of applying the third step of the graduated Transmission Shortage Cost as a demand curve rather than a price capping mechanism.

  • The NYISO is proposing the following two changes to its current transmission constraint pricing implementation:• Apply the graduated Transmission Shortage Cost method to all transmission constraints with a non-zero constraint reliability margin (CRM)• Change the second step of the graduated Transmission Shortage Cost from $2,350/MWh to $1,175/MWhThe Analysis presented the consumer cost impact of the current implementation compared to the proposed implementation.

  • Improving the accuracy of the Transmission Shortage Cost will cause the NYISO markets to take more efficient dispatch and commitment actions, and set more efficient prices.

Related to Transmission Shortage Cost

  • Transmission Facility means a facility for transmitting electricity, and includes any structures, equipment or other facilities used for that purpose as defined in the Parties respective XXXXx.

  • Available Flowgate Capability or “AFC” shall mean the rating of the applicable Flowgate less the projected loading across the applicable Flowgate less TRM and CBM. The firm AFC is calculated with only the appropriate Firm Transmission Service reservations (or interchange schedules) in the model, including recognition of all roll-over Transmission Service rights. Non- firm AFC is determined with appropriate firm and non-firm reservations (or interchange schedules) modeled.

  • Peak tube potential means the maximum value of the potential difference across the x-ray tube during an exposure.

  • Interconnection Point means the point(s) of connection(s) at which the project is connected to the grid i.e. it shall be at 11 / 22 kV bus bar level of substation of MSEDCL.

  • Scheduled Downtime means any System downtime occurring within a planned System maintenance window as communicated to Customer. NCR Voyix will provide Customer with reasonable prior notice of any Scheduled Downtime via e-mail or NCR Voyix’s Hosting Web Site. NCR Voyix will seek to minimize the impact of Scheduled Downtime or any unscheduled downtime to the Customer’s business operations. Whenever feasible, NCR Voyix will seek to limit Scheduled Downtime to no more than three hours in a calendar week.