Turnaround means the procedure of shutting a refinery unit down after a run to do necessary maintenance and repair work and putting the unit back on stream.
Turnaround means the procedure of shutting a refinery unit down after a run to perform necessary maintenance and repair work and then returning the unit to operation.
Turnaround means a roadway, unobstructed by parking, which allows for a safe opposite change of direction for emergency equipment.
Examples of Turnaround in a sentence
A "Turn-around Period" is the period of at least twelve (12) hours between the end of one tour of duty and the commencement of the next tour of duty, or between the end of a callback and the commencement of the next tour of duty, whichever is later.
Contractor will operate the Compost Facility so that the conditions of the Maximum Vehicle Turnaround are met and the SBWMA’s Transfer Company vehicles are processed, unloaded and exit without delay from the facility no longer than 30 minutes from arrival at the Contractor’s scales.
More Definitions of Turnaround
Turnaround means, with respect to a refinery process unit, the procedure of shutting down an operating refinery unit, emptying gaseous and liquid contents to do inspection, maintenance and repair work, and putting the unit back into production.
Turnaround means a planned ac- tivity involving shutdown and startup of one or several process units for the purpose of performing periodic mainte- nance, repair, replacement of equip- ment, or installation of new equip- ment.
Turnaround means a scheduled time when an operation is shut down for routine maintenance, inspections, or installation of new equipment.
Turnaround means a planned, periodic shut down (total or partial) of a group of refinery process units or plants to perform maintenance, overhaul and repair operations and to inspect, test and replace process materials and equipment.
Turnaround means the period between the end of one tour and the start of the next tour. In the case of a call back, “turnaround” means the period between the end of the call back and the start of the next tour. “Working day” wherever in this Agreement the term “working day” appears, it shall mean days of the week other than Saturday, Sunday and general holidays.
Turnaround means a planned, periodic shutdown, total or partial,
Turnaround means a comprehensive transformation of a school to achieve accelerated, meaningful, and sustainable increases in student achievement through improved school leadership and school district support;