Turnaround Period Sample Clauses
Turnaround Period. A turnaround period is the period of at least ten (10) hours between the end of one shift and the commencement of the next shift.
i) All time worked which encroaches on the turnaround period shall be paid for at an additional one-half (1/2) the basic hourly rate computed separately from the work week except as provided below:
ii) No payment shall be made for the following encroachments:
a) On a swing-in-shift, on a regular rotating shift pattern, which occurs in conjunction with an employee’s day off.
b) On a shift where an employee is released from duty to attend labour/management meetings.
c) To employees who are self-assigning, except where such employees are scheduled by the Company, or where the work requirements create overtime hours that are beyond the control of the employee that result in encroachment, and where such overtime is authorized or approved by the Company.
d) Where the employee has requested and received a shift change.
Turnaround Period. A turnaround period is the period between the end of one day of work, including overtime hours, and the commencement of the next day of work. The normal turnaround period shall not be less than twelve (12) hours.
16.9.1 All time worked during any turnaround period shall be compensated at an additional one-half (½) times basic rate for the portion of such assignment which encroaches on the turnaround period.
16.9.2 No payment shall be made for the following encroachments:
(a) on a shift where an employee is released from duty to attend negotiation or grievance meetings with management;
(b) on a swing-in-shift on a regular rotating shift pattern which occurs in conjunction with an employee's scheduled day(s) off;
(c) where an employee requests, and the Employer agrees to alternate temporary schedules upon signature of a waiver form.
Turnaround Period. A turnaround period is the period of at least twelve (12) hours between the end of one tour of duty and the commencement of the next tour of duty.
15.8.1 All time worked during any turnaround period shall be compensated for, in addition to the regular basic rate, at one half (½) times basic rate for the portion of such assignment which encroaches on the turnaround period.
15.8.2 No payment shall be made for the following encroachments:
(a) On a shift where an employee is released from duty to attend negotiations or grievance meetings with Management.
(b) On a swing-in shift on a regular rotating shift pattern, which occurs in conjunction with an employee’s scheduled day(s) off.
(c) Where an employee requests, and the Authority agrees to alternative temporary schedules upon signature of the waiver form (Attachment No. 1).
Turnaround Period. A turnaround period is a period of at least twelve (12) hours between the end of one tour of duty and the commencement of the next tour of duty.
13.8.1 All time worked which encroaches on the turnaround period shall be paid for at an additional one-half (½) the basic hourly rate as defined in Article 13.6 computed separately from the work week except as provided in Article 13.8.4.
13.8.2 In the event that a turnaround period is less than eight
Turnaround Period. 57 13.9 Call-Back .......................................................... 58 13.10 Night Differential.............................................. 59
Turnaround Period. A turnaround period is the period of at least ten (10) hours between the end of one shift and the commencement of the next shift. i) All time worked which encroaches on the turnaround period shall be paid for at an additional one-half (1/2) the basic hourly rate computed separately from the work week except as provided below: ii) No payment shall be made for the following encroachments: a) On a swing-in-shift, on a regular rotating shift pattern, which occurs in conjunction with an employee’s day off.
Turnaround Period. A "Turn-around Period" is the period of at least twelve (12) hours between the end of one tour of duty and the commencement of the next tour of duty, or between the end of a callback and the commencement of the next tour of duty, whichever is later. All time which encroaches on the turn-around period shall be paid at one and one-half times (1 1/2 x) the hourly rate of the employee. No payment shall be made for the following encroachments: - On a swing-in shift on a regular rotating shift pattern which occurs in conjunction with the employee's days off; - On a shift where the employee is released from duty to attend negotiations or grievance meetings with Management; - On a shift mutually agreed to by the employee and the Company - On a shift where an employee requests a trade in shifts.
Turnaround Period. A turnaround period is the period of at least twelve (12) hours between the end of one (1) tour of duty and the commencement of the next tour of duty, or between the end of a call-back and the commence- ment of the next tour of duty, whichever is later. When a turnaround period between shifts is reduced from a minimum of twelve (12) hours, an employee shall be compensated at an additional one-half times the basic rate, in addition to any other premi- ums or payments, for all hours of reduction to a maximum of twelve (12) hours to be computed sep- arately from the work week except as provided in Article When shifts are separated by off, turnaround periods will include twenty-four (24) hours for each day off. hours + hours). In the event that a turnaround period between two (2) days not separated by days off or legal holidays is eight (8) hours or less in duration, an additional compensation of eighteen dollars ($18.00) shall be paid to an employee or, when possible, the Compa- ny will cancel the employee’s next tour of duty, or part of the tour that encroaches on the turnaround period with no deduction in pay for these hours. The penalty will not apply on turnaround periods result- ing from call backs. In the event a turnaround period is five (5) hours or less, the shift shall be considered continuous. If the entire shift is not worked, Article will apply and it will be considered a Call Back. No payment shall be made for the following en- croachment:
Turnaround Period. A turnaround period is the period of at least twelve (12) hours between the end of one tour of duty and the commencement of the next tour of duty, or between the end of the call-back and the commencement of the next tour of duty, whichever is later.
14.8.1 All time scheduled and/or worked, and any meal period, during any of the above turnaround periods shall be compensated for in addition to the regular basic rate, at one-half (½) time basic for the portion of such assignment which encroaches on such turnaround period, except that the compensation shall be one and one-half (1½) times the basic rate, in addition to the regular basic rate, for the portion of such assignment which encroaches on the four (4) hour period immediately following the end of the employee’s original schedule or any extension thereof, and shall be one (1) time the basic rate, in addition to the regular basic rate, for the portion of such assignment which encroaches on the fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth hours immediately following the end of the employee’s original schedule or any extension thereof.
14.8.2 No payment shall be made for the following encroachments:
a) On a swing-in shift, on a regular rotating shift pattern, which occurs in conjunction with an employee’s scheduled day off, however, an employee must receive at least fifty (50) hours off over the two (2) days off period or the turnaround premium shall apply.
b) On a shift where an employee is released from duty to attend negotiations or grievance meetings with Management.
c) If an employee is absent on any type of leave of five (5) or more days.
14.8.3 A rotating shift pattern shall be considered broken if a basic eight (8) hour tour of duty is moved, in which event the encroachment will apply in the work week in which the change occurred. A rotating shift is not broken when the original shift is worked and hours are added before and/or after the shift to extend the original assignment.
14.8.4 For the purposes of this Article, turnaround shall be calculated from the actual released time of an employee who is released early for the balance of the day.
Turnaround Period. 60 14.9 Call-Back ............................................... 61 14.10 Temporary Upgrading ............................ 62 14.11 Night Differential .................................... 62 14.12 Excessive Hours and Safety .................. 63