User Fee definition
Examples of User Fee in a sentence
Audits to Determine Compliance with the Administration of APTC, Advance CSR, and FFE User Fee ProgramsTitle 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), sections 156.480 and 156.705, allow the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to conduct audits of issuers that offer a QHP in the individual market through an Exchange to assess compliance with the APTC, advance CSR, and FFE user fee program requirements.
The Driver shall also note whether a Client User Fee was collected.
The regulations in this part 300 are designated the User Fee Regulations and provide rules relating to user fees under 31 U.S.C. 9701.
Each subsequent Annual User Fee shall be paid in full on the anniversary date of application.
The User Fee defined in Schedule I (less the Reservation Deposit) is due and payable within accordance of the payment schedule set forth in Schedule I.