Utilizing definition

Utilizing is defined as teaching a class, or teaching/working in a program designed to develop students’ primary language (primary language is not English), when the content instruction is delivered in the students’ primary language (not English), or teaching in a dual immersion program. Employees utilizing a BCLAD credential outside of their normal workday will be compensated at the hourly rate. CLAD/BCLAD credentialed teachers, who are employed in less than full-time status for the entire school year shall receive a prorated stipend.
Utilizing is defined as teachers or students using the laptop for a relevant in-class activity, or teachers using the laptop outside of class for planning, grading, school communication or professional development purposes. All teachers in the school will be counted, including teachers who are not participating in SSP training. Data disaggregated by: • School • Sex (school) • Sex (teacher) • Age (teacher) • Age (student class) • Community type Data Source: Teachers, principals, and students at the school Collection Tools: Surveys; laptop log Frequency: Yearly Collection: Principals to district offices to SSP officers to M&E Assistant Analysis: • Disaggregation of data/analysis of equity • Comparison against targets • Comparison against comparative group schools Use: • Geo-MIS reporting • External evaluation Feedback to: • USAID • DLTs • SSP Senior Management 70% Ind. number Indicator Indicator Definition Data Source and Collection Tools Frequency, Responsibility for Collection and Analysis. Method of Analysis and Use End of Project Target • District • Subject taught • Teacher training status (participating/ not participating)
Utilizing is defined as teachers bringing their class into the lab and assigning tasks that require usage of the computers in the room. (Teachers that give traditional classes without using the computers do not count in the indicator). All teachers in the school will be counted, including teachers who are not participating in SSP training. Data disaggregated by:  School  Sex (school)  Sex (teacher)  Age (teacher)  Age (student class)  District  Subject taught  Teacher training status (participating/ not participating) Data Source: Teachers and students at the school Collection Tools: Surveys; computer lab log Frequency: Yearly Collection: Principals to district offices to SSP officers to M&E Assistant Analysis:  Disaggregation of data/analysis of equity  Comparison against targets  Comparison against comparative group schools Use:  Geo-MIS reporting  External evaluation Feedback to:  USAID  DLTs  SSP Senior Management 45%

Examples of Utilizing in a sentence

  • Utilizing the approach across disciplines will xxxxxx meaningful, well-sequenced individualized plans.

More Definitions of Utilizing

Utilizing is defined as teachers bringing their class into the library and assigning tasks that require reading or usage of books in the room. (Teachers that give traditional classes without using the books/computers do not count in the indicator). All teachers in the school will be counted, including teachers who are not participating in SSP training. Data disaggregated by: • Sex (school) • Community type • District • Subject taught • Teacher training status (participating/ not participating) students at the school Collection Tools: Surveys; library log Collection: Principals to district offices to SSP officers to M&E Assistant data/analysis of equity • Comparison against targets • Comparison against comparative group schools Use: • Geo-MIS reporting • External evaluation Feedback to: • USAID • DLTs • SSP Senior Management
Utilizing is defined as teachers bringing their class into the lab and assigning tasks that require usage of the science equipment in the room. (Teachers that give traditional classes without using the science equipment do not count in the indicator). All science teachers in the school will be counted, including teachers who are Data Source: Teachers and students at the school Collection Tools: Surveys; science lab log Frequency: Yearly Collection: Principals to district offices to SSP officers to M&E Assistant Analysis: • Disaggregation of data/analysis of equity • Comparison against targets • Comparison against comparative group schools Use: • Geo-MIS reportingExternal evaluation 70% Ind. number Indicator Indicator Definition Data Source and Collection Tools Frequency, Responsibility for Collection and Analysis. Method of Analysis and Use End of Project Target not participating in SSP training. Data disaggregated by: • Sex (school) • Community type • District • Subject taught • Teacher training status (participating/ not participating) Feedback to: • USAID • DLTs • SSP Senior Management A2: Professional Development (Leadership Training, in service Teachers’ Training and Study Tours)
Utilizing means that a person other than the library accesses, views, and downloads or reproduces the Academic Achievements stored in the Repository system.
Utilizing a resource means making use of the resource in a way that moves the system toward the goal. “Activating” a resource is like pressing the ON switch of a machine; it runs whether or not there is any benefit to be derived from the work it’s doing.” Eliyahu Goldratt
Utilizing a resource means making use of the resource in a way that moves the system toward the goal. ‘Activating’ a resource is like pressing the ON switch of a machine; it runs whether or not there is any benefit to be derived from the work it’s doing. So, really, activating a non-bottleneck to its maximum is an act of maximum stupidity. […] we must not seek to optimize every resource of a system, […] A system of local optimums is not an optimum system at all; it is a very inefficient system.” [18]

Related to Utilizing

  • Standard Methods means the examination and analytical procedures set forth in the most recent edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater" published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association, and the Water Pollution Control Federation.

  • Detailed telecommunications billing service means an ancillary service of separately stating information pertaining to individual calls on a customer's billing statement.

  • Screening means the evaluation process used to identify an individual's ability to perform activities of daily living and address health and safety concerns.

  • Model shall refer to a particular brand of Vehicle sold by an OEM (e.g., Taurus, Tahoe, Grand Caravan).

  • Function 56040. "Function" means any power granted by law to a local agency to provide designated governmental or proprietary services or facilities for the use, benefit, or protection of persons or property.

  • Open video system means an open video system authorized pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 573 and, for

  • Related Services means the services incidental to the supply of the goods, such as insurance, delivery, installation, commissioning, training and initial maintenance and other such obligations of the Supplier under the Contract.

  • Developing means to engage in Development and “Developed” has a corresponding meaning.

  • Common Channel Signaling (CCS) means an out-of-band, packet-switched, signaling network used to transport supervision signals, control signals, and data messages. It is a special network, fully separate from the transmission path of the public switched network. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the CCS protocol used by the Parties shall be SS7.