Examples of Virtual Learning Environment in a sentence
This is the brand name for the on-line Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) that the University uses to support and enhance teaching and learning.
Should you lose either of these documents then additional copies can be obtained from the University’s Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment, which will be introduced to you during your induction session.
Extensive use is made of the University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), Moodle, to provide students with access to a range of delivery, and supporting, materials related to each of the modules featured on the programme.
Module Handbooks are available on the Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to students enrolled on the module.
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)This programme is supported by a VLE where students will be able to find all necessary module information.
The address is your P Number (including the P) followed by @email.dmu.ac.uk, e.g. P10234567@email.dmu.ac.uk .Blackboard Blackboard is the university’s Virtual Learning Environment.
Via the Virtual Learning Environment, students share resources, exchange ideas, discuss weekly topics, submit assignments, and take exams.
Moodle – Newman University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), where module learning resources and activities can be found.
The Keele Virtual Learning Environment (KLE) will be utilised to support and complement the blended learning approach of the curriculum.
A sample examination paper for each examined module will be made available on the Blackboard Learn Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).