Water supply service definition
Examples of Water supply service in a sentence
Water supply service in the State is characterized by intermittent water provision and high levels of water losses.
Water supply service coverage through networks increased from 48 % in 1998 to 74 % in 2009 (through new connection policy which reduced connection fees) and supply continuity improved from 18 hours to 23 hours in the same period (NWSC annual report, 2009/2010).
Water supply service is stopped if the service users do not pay the charges (in the event that they are overdue).
In Nainital that has 100% coverage of sewerage system benefiting around 154,000 people, the project will (i) replace around 4 km of an aging trunk and 1 Water supply service performance standards in Uttarakhand, which was set with the World Bank’s support indicates at most 30% of non-revenue water (NRW).
Water supply service companies are required to comply with ambitious targets in reducing non-revenue water to 18% by 2020, from an average of 30% in 2010.
Water supply service performance lacks uniformity in improvement amongst the three aspects (coverage, quantity and hour) toward the national targets.
Water supply service in Nepal is operated and maintained by mainly Water Users and Sanitation Committee (WUSC) in rural and small towns.
Water supply service is limited to several hours each day even in the capital city Pananji.
As an example Service assurance level and Risk level for Water supply service of Talsi Water are selected: ALWSS and RLWSS.
Water supply service provided by the Council must comply with the minimum standards set for the provision of water supply service in terms of section 9 of the Act.14.