Conclusions and Recommendations Clauses Exemplaires

Conclusions and Recommendations. In this article, several OE measurements are analyzed in order to characterize the “hollow voice” OE that creates a discomfort when people wear hearing aids or hearing protectors. A diagram of the internal sound path components involved in the perception of one’s own voice is proposed in order to identify the different conduction paths of the internal voice. This internal voice path is subdivided into the VBC path due to a structure-borne source and the VABC path due to an airborne source. Both of these paths are subdivided into a direct path to the inner ear and an indirect one through the ear canal. The VBC path is characterized using literature results on objective and subjective BC OE measurements. For the VABC path, as no results were available in the literature, a new kind of subjective OE measurement is proposed and experimented in this article: a sound source (speaker) is placed at the input of the mouth. The internal voice path is described using the aforementioned VBC and VABC paths characterization and the literature results on objective voice OE measurements. At low frequencies, in the case of the occluded ear, the measurements performed on the VBC and the VABC paths have shown that the indirect path through the ear canal to the inner ear dominates the direct one. It has been concluded from these observations that this is also true for the internal voice path which is the combination of these two paths as mentioned previously. Hence, the VBC path, the VABC path and the internal voice conduction path have identical be- haviors. In the case of the open ear, the measurements used in this paper did not permit to draw conclusions. It has been found that the objective and subjective VBC OE, the subjective VABC OE and the objective internal voice OE are positive. This means that the energy transmitted by the indirect path is increased by the occlusion. Hence, we have been able to conclude that the objective VABC OE and the subjective internal voice OE should also be positive. At high frequencies, the behaviors of the VBC, the VABC and the internal voice conduction path differ. In the case of the occluded ear, the direct path dominates the indirect one for the VBC path, whereas it is the inverse for the VABC path, hence no conclusion could be drawn for their combination, i.e. for the internal voice conduction path. In the case of the open ear, the dominating path has been identified for the VBC path only: the direct path dominates the indirect one. The...

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