Fixed annual remuneration and inconvenience allowance Clauses Exemplaires

Fixed annual remuneration and inconvenience allowance. As consideration for the performance of his duties, the Employee shall receive a fixed annual compensation in a gross amount of one hundred ninety five thousand Euros (€195,000.00), including the inconvenience allowance related to the use for professional purposes of a part of his domicile, which gross yearly amount is seven thousand two hundred Euros (€7,200.00). The salary shall be paid by one twelfth each month. It is already agreed, that in the event where the Company asks the Employee to no longer have his place of work at his private home, the inconvenience allowance will be integrated into his base salary. 6.2 Variable compensation The Employee may also receive a variable remuneration for each year worked in the framework of this contract. The amount and granting of this variable remuneration will be contingent upon achievement of goals by the Company and/or individual goals by the Employee which will be communicated to him at least once a year and in any case within a reasonable time prior to any change. The conditions and the method of calculation and payment of this bonus are detailed in the document “VP Int’l Sales Commission Plan”. The Commission Plan will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Company and will also be discussed between the Employee and the
Fixed annual remuneration and inconvenience allowance. En contrepartie de l’exécution de ses fonctions, le Salarié perceira une rémunération forfaitaire annuelle d’un montant brut de cent-quatre-vingt-quînze-mille euros (195.000,00€), incluant l’indemnité de sujétion liée à l’utilisation à titre professionnel d’une partie de son domicile, d’un montant annuel brut de sept-mille-deux-cents euros (7.200,00€). As consideration for the performance of his duties, the Employee shall receive a fixed annual compensation in a gross amount of one hundred ninety five thousand Euros (€195,000.00), including the inconvenience allowance related to the use for professional purposes of a part of his domicile, which gross yearly amount is seven thousand two hundred Euros (€7,200.00). Cette rémunération sera versée par douzième chaque mois. The salary shall be paid by one twelfth each month. Il est d’ores et déjà convenu que si, à la demande de la Société, le lieu de travail du Salarié ne devait plus être son domicile personnel, le montant de l’indemnité de sujétion serait réintégré dans son salaire de base. It is already agreed, that in the event where the Company asks the Employee to no longer have his place of work at his private home, the inconvenience allowance will be integrated into his base salary.