Services mintaszakaszok

Services. With the service package component "Voice Pilot", several functions of the PCM and of other service package components can be operated by voice control. Through online speech recognition, natural language can be supported. Additionally, SMS and E-Mail messages can be drafted via voice entry in the PCM and incoming messages can be played back via the voice output of the Connect-able vehicle. Furthermore, online media services can be controlled.
Services. The service package component "Radio Plus" will enable you to listen to available online streams of radio stations. When Radio Plus is enabled and the current FM or Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) radio station is no longer available, the PCM will switch seamlessly to the respective online stream of such radio station, if available. The service component also enables the PCM to display meta data about the songs you play.
Services. News services that are available via the Internet using RSS feeds can be called up in the vehicle via PCM and read out using the voice function.
Services. You can control the status of your Taycan and start or stop the charging process remotely as follows. You can control the connection status, the residual charging time and the current electric range. The electric range is displayed in form of a circle on the map. Furthermore, you can optimize the charging process of the high-voltage battery of your Taycan for a specific departure time. You can set departure timers and you receive a confirmation message or a push notification in case of events (e.g. interruption of the charging process) and as soon as an activated e-timer has run down.
Services. With the "Portal Personal POIs" service package component, navigation destinations within My Porsche Portal can be searched, saved and managed and can be sent to the PCM, where it can be selected for the PCM navigation system as navigation destination. In addition, destinations from Google Maps can be sent directly to the PCM via Google Send- to-car.
Services. You can remotely check the status of your vehicle and start or stop the charging process as follows. You can check the connection status, the remaining charging time and the current electric range. The electric range is indicated by a circle on the map. You also have the option of optimising the charging process of the high-voltage battery of your vehicle for a certain departure time. You can set departure timers and receive a confirmation message or push notification when events occur (for example, charging interrupted) and when an activated E-Timer has expired.
Services. You can have the location and position of your vehicle displayed remotely. The current position of the mobile end device used for this function is also displayed on a map. If no current position of the vehicle is available (e.g. because it is parked in an underground garage), the most recently saved GPS position is used. By activating the privacy mode, you can deactivate the transfer of data.
Services. With the service package component "Twitter", Twitter channels, defined by yourself, can be shown and new tweets can be played back via the voice output in the Connect- able vehicle. Drafting of own tweets is possible directly out of the PCM via standardized templates contained in My Porsche Portal.
Services. 2.1 We provide our services according to the general terms and conditions and according to the Cloud’s terms of use. authorized third parties have access through the Cloud, with the password we give.
Services. ARTICLE 6 - CUSTOMS DUTIES AND OTHER CHARGES ARTICLE 7 - APPLICATION OF LAWS AND REGULATIONS ARTICLE 8 - CERTIFICATES OF AIRWORTHINESS AND COMPETENCY ARTICLE 9 - AVIATION SAFETY ARTICLE 10 - AVIATION SECURITY ARTICLE 11 - USER CHARGES ARTICLE 12 - COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES ARTICLE 13 - TRANSFER OF FUNDS ARTICLE 14 - TIMETABLES ARTICLE 15 - TARIFFS ARTICLE 16 - EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION ARTICLE 17 - CONSULTATION ARTICLE 18 - SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES ARTICLE 19 - AMENDMENT OF THE AGREEMENT ARTICLE 20 - REGISTRATION ARTICLE 21 - TERMINATION ARTICLE 22 - ENTRY INTO FORCE The Government of Hungary and the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (hereinafter referred to as “Contracting Parties”) Being Parties to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and the International Air Services Transit Agreement both opened for signature at Chicago on the seventh day of December, 1944; Desiring to promote international air services between their respective territories; Acknowledge the importance of air transport as a means of fostering economic cooperation and trade relations as well as people-to-people contact and friendship between them; Desiring to ensure the highest degree of safety and security in international air services and reaffirming their grave concern about acts or threats against the security of aircraft which jeopardize the safety of persons or property adversely affecting the operation of air services, and undermining public confidence in the safety of civil aviation; and Desiring to conclude an Agreement for the purpose of establishing and operating air services between their respective territories For the purpose of this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires: