Indemnity Klausul Contoh

Indemnity. The Seller will indemnify, hold harmless and, upon the Company’s request, defend at Seller’s sole cost and expense, the Company, its agents, servants, officers, directors and employees, the Company’s distributors, dealers and all entities which purchase the Products or products into which the Products are incorporated, and their respective customers, harmless against any suit, action, proceeding, judgment, liability, cost, damage, loss, claim and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs) occasioned by, arising out of, relating to or alleging any claim for injury, death, damage or loss to any person or any property or any consequential or incidental damages resulting therefrom, caused or contributed to by (a) any fault, defect or alleged defect in the Products (including by reason of strict liability in tort), (b) the Seller’s breach of any provision of this Contract, (c) any act, fault, or negligence of Seller or anyone acting on its behalf or (d) any infringement, misappropriation or other violation of the patent, trade secret, trademark, trade name, or other intellectual property right of any other person, firm, corporation or other entity arising from the manufacture, sale or use of any of the Products. In connection with the Products or otherwise, if Seller’s employees, agents, sub-contractors or other representatives are on or present at any premises of the Company, the Seller shall be and is responsible for the acts and omissions of such persons within or about the Company’s premises and agrees to indemnify and hold the Company harmless against liability for damage to property or injury to or death of persons arising out of acts or omissions of the Seller’s employees or representatives. In the event of a claim by a third party against the Company which may be the subject of indemnification, the Company shall provide written notification thereof to the Seller. The Seller shall provide the Company with such reasonable assistance in the prosecution of any defense as the Company may request. The Seller will, in respect of any third party claim or suit, reimburse the Company for the legal and other actual defense expenses paid by the Company and/or the Company’s insurance carriers, and for the actual amount of any settlement or final judgment award paid by the Company and/or the Company’s insurance carriers. The Seller shall indemnify the Company against all actions, claims, demands, costs, charges and expenses arising from or incurred by reason of a...
Indemnity. The Buyer represents that it is familiar with the characteristics of the Products and assumes all responsibility and liability for and will indemnify and hold the Company harmless from any and all loss or injury to persons or property arising out of handling use or possession of the Products delivered to it. The Buyer shall defend, indemnify and hold the Company and its employees free and harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, judgments, losses, damage to property or bodily injury, economic losses or expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) in connection with, without limitation, (a) the performance of fulfillment of this Contract by the Company and (b) Buyer’s use of the Products, (c) any processing or modification of the Products in any manner by the Buyer, its employees, agents or customers, (d) any violation of law or regulation by, intentional or negligent act of, or unauthorized representation by the Buyer, its employees or agents in their use, sales, distribution or handling of Products, and
Indemnity. 8.1. The Client shall indemnify and continue to indemnify the Company and its partners/agents/sub-agents/employees/directors/ representatives at all times against all liabilities, costs biaya (termasuk biaya hukum atas dasar ganti rugi), pengeluaran, kerusakan dan kerugian termasuk setiap kerugian langsung, tidak langsung atau konsekuensial, kehilangan keuntungan, kehilangan reputasi dan semua bunga, denda dan biaya dan pengeluaran wajar lainnya yang diderita atau dikeluarkan oleh Perusahaan dan/atau rekanan / agen / sub-agennya ) / karyawan / direktur / perwakilan yang timbul dari pelanggaran Perjanjian ini oleh Klien atau yang timbul dari pelanggaran kontrak lain antara Para Pihak dan dari tindakan atau kelalaian Klien atau rekanan / agen / sub-agen / karyawan / direktur / perwakilan Klien yang melanggar Hukum yang Berlaku atau kebiasaan atau praktik perdagangan. 8.2. Klausul ini akan tetap berlaku setelah pengakhiran Perjanjian ini.
Indemnity. 8.1. The Client shall indemnify and continue to indemnify the Company and its partners/agents/sub-agents/employees/directors/ representatives at all times against all liabilities, costs (including legal fees on an indemnity basis), expenses, damages and losses including any direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profits, loss of reputation and all interest, fines and other reasonable costs and expenses suffered or incurred by the Company and/or its partners/agents/sub-agents)/employees/directors/ representatives arising from breach of this Agreement by the Client or arising out of another breach of contract between the Parties and from the acts or omissions of the Client or its counterparts/agents/sub-agents/employees/directors/ representatives of the Client in violation of Applicable Laws or trading customs or practices. 8.2. This clause will survive the termination of this Agreement.
Indemnity. The Client agrees to indemnify CIMB against all liabilities, claims, losses, and expenses of any nature including legal costs on a full indemnity basis arising out of any action taken or omitted to be taken in good faith by CIMB pursuant to any instruction, notice or request by the Client or arising in connection with any other agreements entered into between the Client and CIMB. The obligation of the Client to indemnify shall survive the termination of the Services and Agreement between CIMB and the Client.
Indemnity. 4.1 the Customer hereby states that it shall be liable for any loss liability claim damages cost or expense, including without limitation direct, indirect, special or consequential damage or economic loss arising from or in connection with: (a) any use of the Payment Advice Service by the Customer (b) any loss or abuse or unauthorised or inadvertent disclosure of information contained in the Payment Advice, including customer information; (c) any error or failure in the transmission of the Payment Advice, any inaccurate, garbled or incomplete Payment Advice that might be transmitted or any delay in the transmission of the Payment Advice, even if the UOB Group Bank’ or its agents or employees had been advised of the possibility of such loss liability claim damage cost and/or expense. This exclusion shall take effect to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Indemnity. The Tenderer/Bidder shall indemnify and hold harmless the Employer from any action, claim or proceeding and all damage, losses, costs, expenses or other liabilities suffered or incurred by the Employer (including but not limited to legal fees and the cost of enforcing this indemnity) which would arise out of or resulting from any unauthorised use or disclosure of the Confidential Information or any other breach of any terms or obligation(s) by the Tenderer/Bidder under this Agreement.
Indemnity. Each Participant agrees to indemnify, release and hold harmless each of the Organiser, its holding, subsidiary or related companies as defined in the Companies Act 2016 (“Nestlé Malaysia Group”), directors, officers, employees, agents, sponsors and/or representatives against any and all losses, rights, claims, actions and damages (including special, indirect and consequential damages) arising from or incurred as a result of the Participant’s participation in the Promotion, acceptance of any Prize, and/or the use of the Participant’s entry and/or likeness in connection with the Promotion or violation of the Terms and Conditions.
Indemnity. Save for any loss and damage caused due to the gross negligence or wilful misconduct ofMUFG, the Customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless MUFG and its successors, assignees, employees, officers, and directors (the “Relevant Parties”) from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgments, suits, costs and expenses or disbursements of any kind whatsoever which may at any time be imposed on, incurred by or asserted against one or more of the Relevant Parties in any way relating to or arising out of, the provision of any and all of the atau dituduhkan terhadap salah satu atau lebih Para Pihak Terkait dalam hal apapun yang berhubungan atau timbul dari, penyediaan salah satu dan semua layanan(- layanan) dari Layanan MUFG DOORS, Syarat-syarat dan Ketentuan-ketentuan ini dan/atau dokumen lain yang disebut atau dirujuk dalam Syarat-syarat dan Ketentuan-ketentuan ini.
Indemnity. 22.1 The General Committee and the Members thereof and Members of all Sub- Committees appointed by the Club and by the General Committee and other officers for the time being in relation to any of the affairs of the Club shall in addition to any indemnity given to them by law be indemnified out of the assets of the Club from and against all suits, actions, proceedings, costs, charges, losses, damages and expenses which they or any of them shall or may incur or sustain by reason of any act done or omitted in or about the execution of their duty in their respective offices except such (if any) as they shall incur or sustain by or through their own gross negligence of willful act or omission and no such officers shall be answerable for the acts, omission or negligence of any other officer or for the solvency or honesty of any bankers or other persons with whom any effects belonging to the Club may be lodged or deposited for safe custody of for any insufficiency or deficiency of any surety upon which any monies of the Club shall be invested or for any other loss or damage due to any such cause as aforesaid or which may happen in or about the execution of his office unless the same shall happen through the willful act or omission or gross negligence of such officer. 22.2 In relation to Constitutional Rule 7.7.4, and in particular reference to a case (s) where in the General Committee's assessment (on a case-by-case basis) a bona fide concern and / or complaint has been lodged in writing to the Club by a concerned Member(s) on his or her observation(s) of apparent deviation(s) from long-standing procedural check-and-balances, Members' explicit and prior approval is hereby sought to empower the General Committee to indemnify a complainant Member out of the assets of the Club from and against a suit, action, proceedings, damages, legal fees and expenses on a solicitor-client basis arising from another Member proceeding to take legal action against the Complainant Member without duly waiting for the subject matter of the concern and/or complaint to undergo the full cycle of internal disciplinary enquiry steps within the Club.