Notices Klausul Contoh

Notices. 1. Any notification by the Bank shall be deemed received by the Customer if sent to the address and/or other contact given by the Customer in writing to the Bank or to the address and/or other contact last known by the Bank in accordance with the records at the Bank. 2. Any notification by post shall be deemed delivered at the time of posting. Any notification through other contacts such as including but not limited to facsimile, Short Message Service (SMS), or other electronic media shall be deemed delivered at the time of delivery.
Notices. 2.1 The Customer is obliged and undertakes to notify the Bank in writing of any change on the customer’s indentity, address or other pertinent particulars recorded with the Bank. The address remains valid as against the Bank so long as the Bank has not received a written notification from the Customer stating otherwise. 2.2 Where in the Bank’s opinion, communications sent to the last address registered with the Bank will fail to reach the Customer, the Bank may at its sole discretion stop sending further communication to such address of the relevant addressee. 2.3 Dalam membuktikan pemberian atau penyampaian suatu pemberitahuan yang terkait kepada Nasabah menurut Persyaratan dan Ketentuan ini, adalah memadai bagi Bank untuk membuktikan bahwa pemberitahuan tersebut telah dengan benar ditujukan dan diposkan atau, dalam hal pemberitahuan tersebut dikirimkan dengan cara selain dengan pos, telah disampaikan ke alamat yang benar atau, dalam hal pemberitahuan tersebut dikirimkan melalui faksimili atau teleks atau media telekomunikasi lainnya, pemberitahuan itu telah terkirimkan ke nomor atau alamat surat elektronik yang benar sebagaimana yang terakhir diberitahukan kepada Bank dan apabila: (i) dikirim secara langsung, pada tanggal diserahkannya komunikasi atau pemberitahuan tersebut, sebagaimana yang ditegaskan secara tertulis oleh orang yang melakukan penyerahan tersebut; atau (ii) dikirim melalui pos tercatat, dalam waktu 5 (lima) Hari Kerja sejak tanggal diposkan; atau (iii) dikirim melalui faksimili atau teleks, pada akhir transmisi/ pengiriman; atau (iv) dikirim melalui sarana elektronik, setelah sistem menegaskan pengirimannya. 2.4 Seluruh penyerahan dan pengiriman ke atau oleh Bank dari atau ke Nasabah atau dari atau ke pihak ketiga atas nama, berdasarkan perintah dari, atau bagi kepentingan Nasabah akan menjadi tanggungan dan risiko Nasabah. 2.5 Sarana komunikasi atau cara pengiriman adalah sesuai dengan pilihan Bank. Apabila Bank setuju bahwa Nasabah dapat berkomunikasi dengan Bank atau Bank sepakat untuk berkomunikasi dengan Nasabah atau pihak ketiga melalui pos, telepon, faksimili, telegraf, teleks, e-mail, internet atau setiap metode komunikasi lainnya, maka Nasabah mengakui adanya risiko bahwa setiap komunikasi tersebut dapat dihentikan, dipantau, diubah atau dengan cara lain diganggu oleh pihak ketiga. Kecuali terdapat kelalaian serius/ berat atau wanprestasi yang disengaja di pihak Bank, Bank tidak bertanggung jawab atau berkewajiban kepada Nasabah...
Notices. (i) Pemberitahuan Secara Tertulis, Pengiriman dan Bahasa Pemberitahuan atau dokumen yang terkait dengan Perjanjian Gadai ini akan dibuat secara tertulis (yang akan termasuk bahan tertulis dalam bentuk pengiriman melalui faksimili) dan dalam bahasa Inggris (dan Bahasa Indonesia apabila diminta oleh Penerima Gadai), dan dapat diserahkan secara langsung atau melalui kurir lokal yang mempunyai reputasi baik, atau melalui pengiriman dengan faksimili atau email. Pemberitahuan tersebut atau dokumen-dokumen tersebut akan diserahkan atau dikirimkan kepada Pihak yang akan dituju pada alamat yang telah ditetapkan dalam Pasal 12.1 (ii) berikut atau pada alamat lain atau nomor faksimili sebagaimana diberitahukan oleh Pihak tersebut kepada Pihak lainnya. Pemberitahuan atau dokumen yang diserahkan langsung atau oleh kurir lokal yang mempunyai reputasi baik akan dianggap diserahkan pada saat pengiriman; pemberitahuan atau dokumen yang dikirim melalui pengiriman faksimili akan dianggap dikirim dengan adanya pengakuan dari penerima yang dimaksud melalui tanda terima yang dapat di baca. (i) Notice in Writing, Delivery and Language Any notice or document relating to this Pledge Agreement shall be in writing (which shall include writing in the form of a facsimile transmission) and in the English language (and the Indonesian language if so required by the Pledgee), and may be delivered by hand or reputable local courier, or facsimile transmission, or email. Any such notice or documents shall be delivered or sent to the Party to be served at its address set out in Article 12.1 (ii) below or to such other address or facsimile number as it shall convey to the other Party. Any notice or document delivered by hand or reputable local courier shall be deemed effectively served upon delivery; any notice or document served by facsimile transmission or email shall be deemed effectively served upon acknowledgement of legible receipt by the intended recipient.
Notices. 2.1 The Customer is obliged and undertakes to notify the Bank in writing of any change on the customer’s indentity, address or other pertinent particulars recorded with the Bank. The address remains valid as against the Bank so long as the Bank has not received a written notification from the Customer stating otherwise. 2.2 Where in the Bank’s opinion, communications sent to the last address registered with the Bank will fail to reach the Customer, the Bank may at its sole discretion stop sending further communication to such address of the relevant addressee. 2.3 In proving service or delivery of a relevant notice to the Customer hereunder, it shall be sufficient for the Bank to prove that it was correctly addressed and was posted or, where it was delivered otherwise than by post, that it was delivered to the correct address or, where it was sent by fax or telex or other means of telecommunication, that it was transmitted to the correct number or electronic mail address as last notified to the Bank and if : (i) sent by hand, on the date of delivery as confirmed in writing by the person effecting the delivery; or (ii) sent by registered post, within 5 (five) Business Days from the date of posting; or (iii) sent by facsimile or telex, at the end of the transmission; or (iv) sent by electronic means, upon the system’s confirmation of its delivery. 2.4 All delivery, dispatches and shipments to or by the Bank from or to the Customer or from or to third parties on behalf, by order, or for the benefit of the Customer shall be for the account and at the risk of the Customer. 2.5 The means of communication or a given way of dispatch or shipment shall be at the option of the Bank. If the Bank agree that the Customer may communicate with the Bank or the Bank agree to communicate with the Customer or any third party via either postal, telephone, facsimile, telegraph, telex, email, the internet or any other method, the Customer acknowledge the risks that any such communications may be intercepted, monitored, amended or otherwise interfered with by third parties. In the absence of the Bank’s gross negligence or wilful misconduct, the Bank shall not be responsible or liable to the Customer or any third party for any misunderstanding, mutilation, delays or faulty transmissions in relation to any communication between the Bank and the Customer (or which appears to have been made on the Customer’s behalf), or any communication the Customer ask the Bank to enter into with a...
Notices. 1. All correspondence or notices that must be sent by one of the Parties to the other Party regarding or in connection with this Agreement, shall be made by facsimile, email, registered mail or via a courier company/an internal courier from each party to the addresses mentioned below: I. Bank I. The Bank Alamat : Address : Up. : Attn. : Telp : Telephone : Faksimile : Facsimile : Email : Email :
Notices. Unless otherwise specified in the MPKI Agreement: You shall send all notices in Indonesian langauge by e-mail with return receipt request to Peruri CA; Peruri CA shall send notices to You using the email address provided during the Certificate applicatio n process. Notices to Peruri CA are effective when received after 7x24 hours; notices to You are effective when sent.
Notices. Any notice or communication between the Parties shall be delivered to the addresses as hereinbefore appearing, or sent to the facsimile number or emailed to the Party concerned.
Notices. (a) Any notice to be given by the Buyer under these Conditions or any relevant Contract to the Seller shall be in writing and given by prepaid first class post or hand-delivered to PT Spirax-Sarco Indonesia, Kawasan Infinia Park, Blok C-99, Jl. Dr. Xxxxxxx No. 00, Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxxxx or to such other address or for the attention of such person as the Seller may notify to the (b) Any notice to be given by the Seller under these Conditions or any relevant Contract to the Buyer shall be in writing and given by prepaid first class post or hand-delivered to any address from which the Seller has received communications from the Buyer in connection with these Conditions or the Contract. (c) Notices shall be deemed to have been received: (i) if sent by prepaid first class post, two (2) Business Days after posting (exclusive of the day of posting); or (ii) if delivered by hand, on the day of delivery.
Notices. 24.1 All notices under the Agreement must be in writing and sent to the applicable addresses below (or such other address that either Party may designate from time to time in accordance with this provision). Notices will be considered received on: (a) the date of delivery if delivered by personal or courier service, or overnight delivery service;
Notices. 2.1 The Customer shall and undertakes to notify the Bank in writing of any change on the Customer’s identity, address or other pertinent particulars recorded with the Bank. The address and/or such other pertinent particulars remain valid as against the Bank so long as the Bank has not received a written notification from the Customer stating otherwise. 2.2 If in the Bank’s opinion and consideration, the communications sent to the last address registered with the Bank fail to reach the Customer, the Bank may at its sole discretion stop sending further communication to such address of the Customer. 2.3 In providing service or delivery of a relevant notice to the Customer hereunder, it shall be sufficient for the Bank to prove that it was correctly addressed and was posted or, where it was delievered otherwise than by post, that it was delivered to the correct address or, where it was sent by fax or telex or other means of telecommunication, that it was transmitted to the correct number or electronic mail address as last notified to the Bank and if: (a) sent by hand, on the date of delivery as confirmed in writing by the person effecting the (a) dikirim secara langsung, dianggap diterima pada tanggal diserahkannya komunikasi atau pemberitahuan tersebut sebagaimana ditegaskan secara tertulis oleh orang yang melakukan penyerahan; atau (b) dikirim melalui pos tercatat, dianggap diterima dalam waktu 3 (tiga) Hari Kerja sejak tanggal diposkan; atau (c) dikirim melalui faksimili atau teleks, dianggap diterima pada akhir transmisi/ pengiriman; atau (d) dikirim melalui sarana elektronik, dianggap diterima setelah pengirimannya dikonfirmasikan oleh sistem yang bersangkutan. 2.4 Sarana komunikasi atau cara pengiriman adalah ditentukan sesuai dengan pilihan Bank. Apabila Bank setuju bahwa Nasabah dapat berkomunikasi dengan Bank atau Bank sepakat untuk berkomunikasi dengan Nasabah atau pihak ketiga melalui pos, telepon, faksimili, telegraf, teleks, surat elektronik (email), internet atau setiap metode komunikasi lainnya, maka Nasabah mengakui adanya resiko bahwa setiap komunikasi tersebut dapat dihentikan, dipantau, diubah, atau dengan cara lain diganggu oleh pihak ketiga. Kecuali terdapat kelalaian serius/berat atau wanprestasi yang disengaja di pihak Bank, Bank tidak bertanggung jawab atau berkewajiban kepada Nasabah atau pihak ketiga atas setiap kesalahpahaman, pengrusakan, keterlambatan atau kegagalan transmisi komunikasi antara Bank dan Nasabah (atau yang tampaknya ...