Written Instruction Media Klausul Contoh

Written Instruction Media i. Unless determined otherwise, Instruction can only be done through a written order to the Bank such as a Cheque, “Giro Bilyet”, draft, payment orders or other media agreed by the Bank ("Instruction Media"). ii. Each instruction using a Cheque, “Giro Bilyet” or draft is xxxxx berlaku ketentuan peraturan perundangan yang mengatur mengenai hal tersebut. iii. Nasabah setiap waktu wajib menjaga dengan baik Media Instruksi dan mencegah Media Instruksi tersebut untuk dikuasai oleh pihak yang tidak berwenang, dipalsukan atau digandakan sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan dalam suatu tindak kejahatan. Apabila Media Instruksi hilang atau tidak diketahui keberadaannya, maka Xxxxxxx wajib segera melaporkan secara tertulis kepada Bank dan pada instansi yang berwenang. Laporan ini wajib dilakukan dalam bentuk dan cara yang dapat diterima oleh Bank dan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku. iv. Setiap penyalahgunaan Media Instruksi yang sudah diserah terimakan oleh Bank kepada Nasabah merupakan tanggung jawab sepenuhnya dari Nasabah. v. Setiap permintaan blanko cek dan/atau bilyet giro oleh Nasabah, wajib mendapatkan persetujuan Bank dan dikenakan biaya yang ditetapkan dan diinformasikan kepada Nasabah oleh Bank. Penyerahan blanko cek dan/atau bilyet giro oleh Bank kepada Nasabah, wajib mempergunakan tanda terima resmi dari Bank. vi. Nasabah bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap keabsahan dan keaslian Media Instruksi yang diserahkan kepada Bank.
Written Instruction Media i. Unless otherwise agreed, Instructions can only be made through written orders to the Bank, such as cheque, bilyet giro, money orders, payment orders or other media which may be approved by the Bank ("Instruction Media"). ii. Each Instruction using cheque, bilyet giro, or money orders shall be subject to the prevailing laws and regulations governing these instruments. iii. If stipulated, the Customer must submit supporting (underlying) documents along with the Instruction Media in accordance with applicable regulations, including but not limited to Bank Indonesia regulations and the Bank’s internal policies. iv. The Customer shall be responsible for safeguarding the Instruction Media at all times and preventing it from being accessed by unauthorized parties, forged, or duplicated, which could be used in criminal acts. If the Instruction Media is lost or its whereabouts are unknown, the Customer must immediately report it in writing to the Bank and relevant authorities. This report must be made in a form and manner acceptable to the Bank and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. v. Any misuse of Instruction Media that has been delivered to the Customer by the Bank shall be entirely the responsibility of the Customer. vi. Any request for cheque books and/or bilyet giro by the Customer must be approved by the Bank and will incur a fee, which will be stipulated and communicated to the Customer by the Bank. The issuance of cheque books and/or bilyet giro by the Bank to the Customer must be accompanied by an official receipt from the Bank. If the Customer does not collect the cheque books and/or bilyet giro within three months after processing, the Bank shall reserve the right to destroy the unused cheque books and/or bilyet giro. vii. The Customer shall be fully responsible for the validity and authenticity of the Instruction Media and supporting documents (if any) submitted to the Bank.
Written Instruction Media yang rinciannya diatur secara terpisah dalam ketentuan tersendiri dan diinformasikan ke Nasabah.
Written Instruction Media 

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