Joint Account Klausul Contoh

Joint Account a. Joint Account shall be based on an agreement between the parties, particularly in relation with the provision of the authorized person and the authority to carry out the Instruction as well as the consequences that may arise relating to Joint Account. b. The Customer who owns the Joint Account shall be responsible jointly and severally toward all obligations arising from the Joint Account.
Joint Account. 12.1 If an Account is opened in the names of 2 (two) or more persons, unless otherwise agreed upon by the concerned parties, Bank shall consider that the credit balance thereof at any time belongs to the Account’s holders. Accordingly, such persons shall be jointly and severally liable for all liabilities incurred on the Account. 12.2 Except otherwise required in a separate document accepted by the Bank, then joint Account “OR” clause will apply as follows: if the Account is being operated with single signatory (Joint Account condition “OR”), so (unless otherwise required by the Bank in this Terms and Conditions or other particular terms regarding a Service) : (i) Approval from one of the joint Account holder on the Terms and Conditions that regulate a service provided by the Bank pertaining to a joint Account is deemed approval from each and all join Account holder on such Terms and Conditions and therefore, this Terms and Conditions bind each and all joint Account holders. (ii) Instruction from one of the joint Account holder will be accepted and bound for each and all joint Account holders. (iii) An agreement or other documents which relates to the purchase/placement/application (including but not limited to operation, partial/full withdrawal and/or closure) of the Bank’s product and/or a product being sold or distributed by the Bank signed by one of the joint Account holder will bind for each and all joint Account holders. (iv) Every notification based on this document given to one of the joint Account holders is deemed as notification to each and all joint Account holder. 12.3 If one of the joint Account holders being operated with single authorised signatory and one of the joint Account holders passed away or deemed bankcruptcy, then each of other joint Account holders is entitled to operate the joint Account, subject to the prevailing terms set out in clause 6 part II, if Bank requires. This shall not be effected by liquidation/ dismissal, bankcruptcy, decease, insanity or unentitlement or other disabilities of one or more joint Account holder. 12.4 Except otherwise specified in the other documents received by Bank, then joint Account “AND” clause will apply as follows: if a joint Account being operated with joint signatory (Joint Account condition “AND”): (i) Jika salah satu pemegang Rekening bersama meninggal dunia, maka pengoperasian Rekening bersama harus dilakukan dengan tanda tangan dari (para) ahli waris atau wakil/kuasanya yang sah dari peme...
Joint Account a. A Joint Account shall be based on an agreement between the parties, particularly with regard to the determination of the authorized party and its authority in conducting the Instruction and the consequences that may arise relating to the Joint Account. b. The Customer who has a Joint Account shall jointly and severally liable for all obligations arising from the Joint Account. c. All legal consequences arising from the withdrawal of blank cheque and/or bilyet giro by one or more Customer holding a Joint Currenct Account and fulfilling the National Blacklist (DHN) criteria as referred to in Bank Indonesia provisions or related regulators shall be the responsibility of all Joint Current Account holders, jointly and severally. d. The stipulations regarding the Joint Account shall be stipulated in a separate agreement that must be signed by all names who are the holders of the Joint Account. 4. The Account can be accessed through electronic banking services (”Services”), whereby it is agreed that, although there are other provisions which are stipulated differently from this KPUPR, in conducting transaction against the Account: a. It can be conducted in any branch office of the Bank or in the Bank Services media; b. It shall be subject to the applicable laws and regulations from time to time in the jurisdiction where the branch office of the Bank or the Bank’s Services media and/or Account are located, including but not limited to, local government policies, decisions or regulations relating to currency control or currency changes; and c. If the Service is used to conduct any or all transactions with respect to third party accounts including but not limited to debiting any third party accounts at the Bank, the Customer hereby agrees to complete the Bank with a power of attorney in the form and content approved by the Bank and if for any reason it cannot be completed by the Customer, or the Bank does not approve the form and content of the power of attorney, the Bank shall not be obliged to provide Service for the transaction.
Joint Account a. The Joint Account shall be based on an agreement among the parties, particularly concerning the determination of the authorized parties and their authorities in carrying out Instructions, as well as the potential consequences arising from the Joint Account. b. The Customers who are joint account holders shall be jointly and severally responsible for all obligations arising from the Joint Account. c. All legal consequences arising from the withdrawal of blank cheque and/or bilyet giros by one or more Customers of the Joint Current Account and fulfilling the criteria of the National Black List (DHN) as referred to in the regulations of Bank Indonesia and related regulators, will be the joint responsibility of all joint account holders. d. Provisions regarding the Joint Account will be regulated in a separate agreement that must be signed by all individuals named as Joint Account holders.
Joint Account a. A Joint Account shall be based on an agreement between the parties, especially with regard to the determination of the authorized party and its authority in conducting the Instruction and the consequences that may arise relating to the Joint Account. b. The Customer who own a Joint Account shall be jointly and severally liable for all obligations arising from the Joint Account. c. All legal consequences arising from the withdrawal of blank cheque and/or bilyet giro by one or more Customer holding a Joint Currenct Account and fulfilling the National Blacklist (DHN) criteria as referred to in the Bank of Indonesia provisions or related regulators shall be the responsibility of all Joint Current Account holders, jointly and severally. d. The stipulations regarding the Joint Account shall be stipulated in a separate agreement that must be signed by all names who are the holders of the Joint Account. 4. The Account can be accessed through electronic banking services (”Services”), whereby it is agreed that, although there are other provisions which are stipulated differently from this KPUPRS, in conducting transaction against the Account: a. It can be implemented in any branch office of the Bank or in the Bank Services media; b. Tunduk kepada peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dari waktu ke waktu dalam wilayah hukum di mana kantor cabang Bank maupun media Jasa Bank dan/atau Rekening berada, termasuk tapi tidak terbatas pada, kebijakan pemerintah setempat, keputusan atau peraturan yang berkaitan dengan pengawasan mata uang atau perubahan mata uang; c. Apabila Jasa dipergunakan untuk melaksanakan setiap atau semua transaksi berkenaan dengan rekening pihak ketiga termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada pendebetan setiap rekening pihak ketiga pada Bank, Nasabah dengan ini setuju untuk melengkapi Bank dengan surat kuasa yang bentuk dan isinya disetujui Bank dan jika karena alasan apapun tidak dapat dilengkapi oleh Nasabah, atau Bank tidak menyetujui bentuk dan isi surat kuasa tersebut, maka Bank tidak berkewajiban menyediakan Jasa untuk transaksi tersebut.
Joint Account a. Joint Account shall be based on an agreement between the parties, particularly in relation with the provision of the authorized person and the authority to carry out the Instruction as well as the consequences that may arise relating to Joint Account. b. The Customer who owns the Joint Account shall be responsible jointly and severally toward all obligations arising from the Joint Account. c. The arrangement on the Joint Account will be regulated in a separate agreement that must be signed by all the names that are represented as the Joint Account holder. 4. The account can be accessed through the electronic banking services ("Services"), where it is agreed that, although there are other provisions contrary to this GT&CGT&C, in carrying out transactions on the account: a. May be executed in any branch of Bank and Bank Services media, b. Subject to the laws and regulations in force from time to time in the jurisdiction in which the branch office of the Bank or Bank Service media and / or Account are located, including but not limited to, local government policies, decisions or regulations relating to the supervision of currency or changes in currency, and If the service is used to execute any or all transactions relating to the Account of the third parties including, but not limited to, debit any account of a third party in the Bank, the Customer hereby agrees to complete the Bank with a power of attorney which its form and contents are approved by the Bank and if for any reason can not be furnished by the Customer, or the Bank does not approve the form and content of such power of attorney, the Bank shall not be obliged to provide any Services for the transaction.
Joint Account. In the event Customer opens a Joint Account, the Customer whose name is listed as the first name is the primary Account holder of the Joint Account, where the other Customer(s) is (are) Joint Account holders.

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