Admission requirements Clausole campione

Admission requirements. Italian or foreign applicants, who have a PhD or equivalent qualification, obtained in Italy or abroad are admitted to selection process. Since participation in the selection process is not nationality-specific, foreign citizens must possess an equivalent qualification based on international agreements and current legislation. This equivalence must result from appropriate certification. Candidates who hold a position of "Professore di I Fascia" (Italian Full Professor), "Professore di II Fascia" (Italian Associate Professor) or "Ricercatore a Tempo Indeterminato" (Researchers on an Italian permanent contract), cannot be admitted to the selection, even if they have ceased their service. Those who have had Research fellow and Untenured Researcher contracts under articles 22 and 24 of Law 240/2010 at Politecnico di Milano or other state, non-state or telematic Italian universities, and the bodies referred to in paragraph 1 of art. 22 of Law 240/2010 for a period which exceeds 12 years consecutively or non-consecutively, once added to the call's contract duration. Periods spent on maternity or health leave under current legislation are not taken into account for relationship calculation purposes. Those who have a familial or kinship relationship, up to and including the IV degree, with a professor of the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, the Rector, Director General or a member of the Board of Governors may not participate in the selection procedure. To be admitted to the selection process, requirements must be met on the deadline date for submitting applications for admission.
Admission requirements. In order to participate, Italian and foreign candidates must possess a PhD or an equivalent qualification, awarded in Italy or abroad. Moreover, they must be in one of the following conditions: or: have obtained the national scientific qualification for the functions of full or associate professor under art. 16 of Law 30/12/2010 no. 240; have had Untenured Researcher contracts for at least three consecutive or non-consecutive years, under art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a) of Law 31/12/2010, no. 240 (junior). have benefited from research grants for at least three consecutive or non-consecutive years, under art. 51, paragraph 6, of Law 27.12.1997, no. 449, and subsequent amendments, or granted under art. 22 of Law no. 30/12/2010, no. 240, and subsequent amendments, or post-PhD scholarships under art. 4 of Law no. 30/11/1989, no. 398 or similar contracts, grants or scholarships in foreign universities; have benefited for at least three consecutive or non-consecutive years from contracts stipulated under art. 1, paragraph 14, of Law 04/11/2005, no. 230; The admission requirement is met if the period of three consecutive or non-consecutive years, comprises different experiences within those included in the three paragraphs above. Since participation in the selection process is not nationality-specific, foreign citizens must possess an equivalent qualification based on international agreements and current legislation. This equivalence must result from appropriate certification. Candidates who hold a position of "Professore di I Fascia" (Italian Full Professor), "Professore di II Fascia" (Italian Associate Professor) or "Ricercatore a Tempo Indeterminato" (Researcher on an Italian permanent contract), cannot be admitted to the selection, even if they have ceased their service. Those who have had Research fellow and Untenured Researcher contracts under articles 22 and 24 of Law 240/2010 at Politecnico di Milano or other state, non-state or telematic Italian universities, and the bodies referred to in paragraph 1 of art. 22 of Law 240/2010 for a period which exceeds 12 years consecutively or non-consecutively, once added to the call's contract duration. Periods spent on maternity or health leave under current legislation are not taken into account for relationship calculation purposes. Those who have a familial or kinship relationship, up to and including the IV degree, with a professor of the Department of Chemistry Materials and Chemical Engineering, the Rector, Di...
Admission requirements. 1. To apply to the call, the following requirements are mandatory: • Master degree or equivalent degrees in Economics or Statistics or equivalent qualification awarded abroad, with a scientific-professional curriculum suitable for carrying out research activities. Candidates are required to have knowledge of the language: English. Ph.D. degree or equivalent qualification obtained abroad or, for the sectors concerned, medical- specialization accompanied by adequate scientific production, constitute a preferential title for the purpose of awarding the research grant. 2. The qualifications required as admission requirements, obtained overseas, must normally be recognized in Italy in accordance with the procedure established by current legislation (Article 38 of Legislative Decrees 165/2001). Candidates holding academic qualifications obtained abroad that do not has already been declared equivalent in accordance with current legislation, or that they are not in possession of a Declaration of Value must attach to the application form the documents necessary to enable the selection board to evaluate their equivalence for the sole purpose of participation in the selection procedure, as specified in the following art. 4, paragraphs 8 and 11. 3. Candidates must not incur one of the causes of incompatibility and/or cumulation provided for in the following article. The selection procedure is not allowed to those who have a degree of consanguinity, up to the fourth degree, with the Rector, with the Director General or with a component of the Board of Directors of University of Catania.
Admission requirements. Italian or foreign applicants, who have a PhD or equivalent qualification, obtained in Italy or abroad are admitted to selection process. Since participation in the selection process is not nationality-specific, foreign citizens must possess an equivalent qualification based on international agreements and current legislation. This equivalence must result from appropriate certification. Candidates who hold a position of "Professore di I Fascia" (Italian Full Professor), "Professore di II Fascia" (Italian Associate Professor) or "Ricercatore a Tempo Indeterminato" (Researchers on an Italian permanent contract), cannot be admitted to the selection, even if they have ceased their service. Those who have had Research fellow and Untenured Researcher contracts under articles 22 and 24 of Law 240/2010 at Politecnico di Milano or other state, non-state or telematic Italian universities, and the bodies referred to in paragraph 1 of art. 22 of Law 240/2010 for a period which exceeds 12 years consecutively or non-consecutively, once added to the call's contract duration. Periods spent on maternity or health leave under current legislation are not taken into account for relationship calculation purposes. Those who have a familial or kinship relationship, up to and including the IV degree, with a professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Rector, Director General or a member of the Board of Governors may not participate in the selection procedure. To be admitted to the selection process, requirements must be met on the deadline date for submitting applications for admission. The Selection Committee is composed of three full and associate professors, or equivalent foreign status, under Ministerial Decree of 01/09/2016, no. 662, of the Academic Recruitment Field covered by the notice, appointed by the relevant Department Board. The Committee is composed of a majority of full and associate professors, or equivalent if from other national or international universities. The appointment is made by Rectoral decree and published in the official register and the University's website. The Committee must complete its work within four months from the appointment decree issue. An extension of three months may be granted by the Rector on the President's reasoned request. Applicants may lodge an objection to any Committee members if the conditions in art. 51 of the Code of Civil Procedure are met. Objections must be lodged with the Rector within 30 days o...
Admission requirements. Students who, by the expiry date of this call, will be regularly enrolled, on a full- time basis, in the first year of the Master’s Degree in Chemical Sciences (Class LM-54) or in Advanced Molecular Sciences (Class LM-54) of the University of Xxxxxxxx for the a.y. 2022/2023 and who declare they want to enroll, on a full- time basis, in the a.y. 2023/2024 to the above mentioned Master’ Degrees. Applicants must have, at the time of departure, a knowledge of English at level B2 or above.
Admission requirements. Italian or foreign applicants, who have a PhD or equivalent qualification, obtained in Italy or abroad are admitted to selection process. In addition, in the past 5 years, they must have authored, co-authored, or edited a number of publications, accepted texts, essays included in collections, and articles published in print or digital journals equal to or exceeding the minimum required number of 15, excluding internal notes or departmental reports. Since participation in the selection process is not nationality-specific, foreign citizens must possess an equivalent qualification based on international agreements and current legislation. This equivalence must result from appropriate certification. Candidates who hold a position of "Professore di I Fascia" (Italian Full Professor), "Professore di II Fascia" (Italian Associate Professor) or "Ricercatore a Tempo Indeterminato" (Researchers on an Italian permanent contract), cannot be admitted to the selection, even if they have ceased their service, as well as subjects who have already enjoyed, for at least three years, Tenured Researcher contracts (RTT) under art. 24, paragraph 3, of Law 31/12/2010, no. 240, in force from 30/06/2022. Those who have a familial or kinship relationship, up to and including the IV degree, with a professor of the Department of Design>, the Rector, Director General or a member of the Board of Governors may not participate in the selection procedure. To be admitted to the selection process, requirements must be met on the deadline date for submitting applications for admission.
Admission requirements. Scholarships are open to Afghan citizens who have a master degree as per Ministerial Decree 270/2004 in one of the following: or qualifications equivalent to Ministerial Decree 509/1999, or qualifications equivalent to the previous regulations prior to Ministerial Decree 509/1999, or equivalent qualifications from foreign universities. If the candidate does not have the MIUR issued "Declaration of Equivalence", they must obtain it from the Selection Committee whose opinion is only for the purposes of the grant. Applicants must also have: - a good knowledge of English. Candidates who are family members (up to and including fourth degree) of a Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences Professor, the Rector, Director General or University Board of Director cannot take part in this Call.
Admission requirements. 1. To apply to the call, the following requirements are mandatory: • Applicants must have a Master degree (MA) or equivalent degrees in Anthropology or in disciplines related to the Social Sciences and Humanities, or equivalent qualification awarded abroad, with a scientific -professional curriculum suitable for carrying out planned research activities. • Applicants must have a PhD degree. Researchers who have finished a PhD degree and are not yet awarded their PhD title, are not eligible either. • Candidates are required to have knowledge of the following languages: English and Italian. 2. If obtained abroad, qualifications requeseted as admission requirements must normally be recognized in Italy in accoradance with the procedure establishes by current legislation (Article 38 of Legislative Decrees 165/2001). Candidates holding academic qualifications obtained abroad that do not has already been declared equivalent in accordance with current legislation, or candidates who are not in possession of a Declaration of Value, must attach to the application all the documents necessary for the Selection Commission to evaluate the equivalence for the sole purpose of participation in the selection procedure, as specified in the following art. 4, paragraphs 8 and 11. 3. Candidates must not incur one of the causes of incompatibility and/or cumulation provided for in the following article 3. The selection procedure is not allowed to those who have a degree of consanguinity or affinity, up to the fourth degree, or of a relationship with a professor belonging to the department concerned, who has approved the grant, or with the Rector, with the Director General or with a component of the Board of Directors of University of Catania.
Admission requirements. 1. To apply to the call, the following requirements are mandatory: • Ph.D. or equivalent degrees, achieved in Italy or abroad, in disciplines related to Economics or Statistics. Candidates are required to have knowledge of the language: English. 2. The qualifications required as admission requirements, obtained overseas, must normally be recognized in Italy in accordance with the procedure established by current legislation (Article 38 of Legislative Decrees 165/2001). Candidates holding academic qualifications obtained abroad that do not has already been declared equivalent in accordance with current legislation, or that they are not in possession of a Declaration of Value must attach to the application form the documents necessary to enable the selection board to evaluate their equivalence for the sole purpose of participation in the selection procedure, as specified in the following art. 4, paragraphs 8 and 11. 3. Candidates must not incur one of the causes of incompatibility and/or cumulation provided for in the following article. The selection procedure is not allowed to those who have a degree of consanguinity or affinity, up to the fourth degree, or of a relationship with a professor belonging to the department concerned, who has approved the grant, or with the Rector, with the Director General or with a component of the Board of Directors of University of Catania.
Admission requirements. The research scholarship is destined for Ukrainian citizens, or beneficiaries of international protection in Ukraine, before the 24th of February 2022, and who have applied for temporary protection, who has a Master’s Degree in PSYCHOLOGY (Italian Degree Class LM-51), in COGNITIVE SCIENCES (Italian Degree Class LM-55), in SOCIAL SERVICE AND SOCIAL POLITICS (Italian Degree Class LM-87), or a Bachelor’s Degree in PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNIQUES (Italian Degree Class L-24), in SOCIAL SERVICE (Italian Degree Class L-39) as per Ministerial Decree 270/2004, or qualifications equivalent to Ministerial Decree 509/1999, or qualifications equivalent to the previous regulations prior to Ministerial Decree 509/1999, or equivalent qualifications from foreign universities. If the candidate does not have the MIUR-issued "Declaration of Equivalence", they must obtain it from the Selection Committee whose opinion is only for the purposes of the grant. Applicants must also have: 1) Proven research experience (e.g., publications in national/international journals and/or research experience in social and community psychology; 2) Knowledge of the English language Any additional requirements: Ph.D. in Psychological and Social Sciences and knowledge of Italian language. Candidates who are family members (up to and including fourth-degree) of a Department of Psychology Professor, the Rector, Director General, or University Board of Director cannot take part in this Call.