Data retention period Clausole campione

Data retention period. The data, subject of this information, will be kept: - for 10 years (ten years) from the conclusion of the contractual relationship, for treatment with a contractual legal basis; - 5 years from the withdrawl of consent for treatment with a consensual basis; - no more than 72 hours, relative to the treatment of images of the video surveillance.
Data retention period. The personal data collected by Lemon Way are kept for the necessary period until the purpose is fulfilled. The collected data becomes intermediate archives or are anonymised and kept for statistical and historical purposes. Purges concerning your personal data are set up in order to verify the effective deletion as soon as the conservation or archiving period necessary for the fulfilment of the determined or imposed purposes when is fulfilled.
Data retention period. The Data Controller will retain personal data: x processed to provide services and fulfil relative contractual obligations for the time strictly necessary to achieve this purpose. As these data are processed to provide services, the Data Controller may retain them for longer, in particular for as long as is necessary to protect its interests from possible liability relating to the services provided; x processed for marketing purposes until consent is withdrawn by the data subject. Once consent has been withdrawn, the Data Controller shall cease to use the data for this purpose but may retain them to protect its interests from possible liability relating to the processing;
Data retention period. Alcuni dati personali potranno essere oggetto di pubblicazione nell’apposita sezione del portale di Ateneo in adempimento degli obblighi previsti dalla normativa vigente. Qualora, nell’ambito delle finalità sopraindicate i dati personali siano oggetto di trasferimento verso Paesi extra UE, il trasferimento di tali dati sarà effettuato nei limiti e alle condizioni di cui agli artt. 44 e ss. del GDPR, ovvero in presenza di una decisione di adeguatezza della Commissione europea e, in sua assenza, di garanzie adeguate. 9.