EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 13.1. This Agreement may be terminated by law as a result of the simple declaration of the Licensor that it wishes to make use of this termination clause pursuant to art. 1456 cc faculty recognized and accepted by the Licensee in the following cases:
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 11.1 PM will have the right to terminate, pursuant to and for the purposes of the art. 1456 of the Civil Code, at any time by written communication to be sent to the Customer, the individual Sale in the event of failure to fulfill the obligations set out in articles: 6.6; 5.1; 5.2; 5.3.
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. In the event of non-fulfilment by the Client of any obligation under this Contract, the same shall be terminated by law pursuant to Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, upon written notice by the Supplier to be sent to the Client by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt or certified e- mail or to the e-mail address through which the Client has proceeded to register on the website and present on the page of its user. The Agreement shall also be terminated by operation of law in the event that the Client is subject to enforcement proceedings, bankruptcy proceedings, receivership or other insolvency proceedings, becomes insolvent in any case or sells assets to creditors, suffers a seizure or other form of lien on its assets or is placed in liquidation, voluntarily or compulsory, unless C1V Hosting decides to waive the condition. C1V Hosting reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and, consequently, to deactivate the Service if it becomes aware of or determines, at its sole discretion, that the Client is in breach of even one of the obligations indicated above - and which, herein, are expressly referred to - as well as has or is in violation of current legislation, without prejudice to any action for recourse and/or compensation also against third parties. Subject to the express authorization of C1V (at its sole discretion), the Client may transfer the contract to a third party, at the same contractual and price conditions agreed by him with C1V. In this way, C1V agrees to provide the service to the new entity designated by the original Customer, after completion of verification by the competent corporate bodies. The successor party must provide, for the purpose of transferring the effects of the contract in its favour, the documentation required by these contractual conditions in the event of activation of a new service. In any case, C1V reserves the right to request further documentation for the purpose of verifying the solvency of the new entity.
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. This contract is automatically terminated pursuant to Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code. if the services in case of fulfilment of articles 5 (Product price and payment conditions) and 13 (Intellectual property rights).
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 14.1 RBM may terminate the supply relationship governed by these Terms and Conditions of Purchase at any time
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 1. Notwithstanding any further stipulations of these General Conditions and any other provision of law, Coveme is entitled to consider each individual Contract and these GCS as terminated by law pursuant to Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, should the Customer be in breach and/or fails to comply with Articles 1, 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 8, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 19 and 20 of these GCS.
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx & C. srl will be entitled to terminate the single Sale, after notifying the Client in writing, at any time in the event of a breach of the obligations set out in the following articles: 3 (Prices and payment); 16 (Intellectual Property Rights).
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. In the event of non-fulfillment by the Customer of any obligation under this Contract, the same will be terminated by right pursuant to Article 1456 of the Civil Code, upon written notice from which the Supplier will send the Customer by registered letter with return receipt or certified e-mail or to the email address through which the Customer has proceeded to register on the site and present in his user page.
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 11.1 The parties agree that the Order will automatically be terminated in case of default or breach by the Supplier of the obligations set forth in the provision of art. 6 and 8, in any case without prejudice to AW’s right to claim compensation for all the related, connected and consequent damages it incurred.
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 1. Without prejudice to what may be further provided for in these General Conditions and in the law, Xxxxxx has the right to consider terminated colpa del Fornitore, ai sensi e per gli effetti dell’art. 1456 cc, ogni singolo Contratto per la parte oggetto di contestazioni o per l’intero e le presenti Condizioni Generali, e di cancellare in tutto o in parte qualsiasi Ordine di Acquisto: