EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 13.1 Pursuant to and for the purposes of Art. 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, the following will result in the termination of the rights under this contract without the need for a notice of default: a) the Customer's non-fulfillment of the payment obligation; b) violation of the transfer prohibition and incorrect or illegal use of the Services; c) dissolution or bankruptcy of the Customer or substantial changes in the Customer's structure that undermine the fiduciary relationship based on which this contract was stipulated; d) violation of the recruitment prohibition (Art.15). 13.2 The Provider reserves the right to claim compensation for any damages suffered as a result of the Customer's conduct.
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 13.1. This Agreement may be terminated by law as a result of the simple declaration of the Licensor that it wishes to make use of this termination clause pursuant to art. 1456 cc faculty recognized and accepted by the Licensee in the following cases: a) failure of the Licensee to fulfill the obligations referred to in the art. 6 (Duties of the Licensee) and art. 9 (Management, maintenance and defense of property rights); b) failure to comply with the obligation to pay the Consideration according to the amounts and deadlines referred to in the art. 5 (Consideration) not remedied by the Licensee within 60 (sixty) days of the formal notice by the Licensor. 13.2. The Licensee has the right, recognized and accepted by the Licensor, to terminate this Agreement for violation of the exclusivity right referred to in the art. 3.1. of this Agreement. 13.3. In any case of early termination of this Contract, the Licensee undertakes to stop any and all exploitation of the Invention and, at the same time, the Licensor will have the right both to withhold the sums already collected by the Licensee and to pay the amounts accrued and not paid up to the time of termination of this Agreement.
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 1. Nord Fluid shall be entitled to terminate the contract in accordance with article 1456 of the Civil Code, and to receive compensation for any damages, in the event that the Client should: ✓ fail to pay Nord Fluid for any Products supplied; ✓ fail to collect or receive the Products. 1. The Customer declares it is purchasing the Products exclusively for civilian purposes, and undertakes to comply with the regulations on dual-use items relating to tangible and intangible goods, services, and information (dual-use products) in full, with explicit (but not exhaustive) reference to the laws of the European Union, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom. 2. The Customer confirms that the subject matter of these TCS and the contracts will not be used, in whole or in part, in products that are directly or indirectly employed (including through transfer, re-export, leasing, rental or any other transfer to third parties) for military purposes, or in the design, development, production or use of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, vehicles, or delivery systems for such weapons, or in the development of any weapon of mass destruction. 3. In addition, the Customer undertakes to ensure that Nord Fluid, its trademarks and its products are not associated with activities or behaviours that do not comply with dual-use regulations. 4. The Customer is obliged to immediately compensate Nord Fluid for any damages incurred as a result of breaches of the above-mentioned regulations. Furthermore, the Customer must hold Nord Fluid harmless against any third-party claims, penalties, or costs that may arise due to non-compliance with these obligations.
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 1. Notwithstanding any further stipulations of these General Conditions and any other provision of law, Coveme is entitled to consider each individual Contract and these GCS as terminated by law pursuant to Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, should the Customer be in breach and/or fails to comply with Articles 1, 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 8, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 19 and 20 of these GCS. 2. Coveme also reserves the right to terminate by law, through communication by registered letter A.R or PEC in which it declares that it intends to avail itself of this clause, each individual Contract and these General Conditions, in the event that: (a) the Customer is subject to any of the insolvency proceedings provided by the applicable laws in force or it is presumed, on the basis of unequivocal evidence, that it is about to be subject to such proceedings; (b) the production and supply of the Products has become impossible by order of the judicial and/or administrative authorities for reasons not attributable to Coveme; (c) it has become impossible for Coveme to procure the raw materials for reasons not attributable to Coveme. 3. In any case, Xxxxxx'x right to claim compensation for damages remains unaffected. 3. Resta salvo, in ogni caso, il diritto di Coveme di richiedere il risarcimento del danno.
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 1. Without prejudice to what may be further provided for in these General Conditions and in the law, Xxxxxx has the right to consider terminated colpa del Fornitore, ai sensi e per gli effetti dell’art. 1456 cc, ogni singolo Contratto per la parte oggetto di contestazioni o per l’intero e le presenti Condizioni Generali, e di cancellare in tutto o in parte qualsiasi Ordine di Acquisto: (a) in caso di inadempimento da parte del Fornitore a quanto previsto agli articoli: 3.1, 4, 5.1 e 5.4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20 e 21; (b) qualora il Fornitore sia divenuto incapace di assicurare a Coveme una ragionevole continuità nei flussi programmati di fornitura; (c) qualora il Fornitore venga sottoposto ad una qualsiasi delle procedure concorsuali previste dalla normativa vigente applicabile o si presume, sulla base di indizi univoci, che stia per essere sottoposto a tali procedure; (d) qualora si verifichino sostanziali cambiamenti nel controllo societario del Fornitore; (e) se il Fornitore cessi la fabbricazione del Prodotto; (f) qualora Coveme ritenga che siano venuti meno i requisiti di qualità in capo al Fornitore. 2. Resta salvo, in ogni caso, il diritto di Coveme di richiedere il risarcimento di qualsiasi danno subito, nessuno escluso.
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 11 9.1. In addition to the provisions of Art. 4, Oberalp shall be entitled to terminate the contract pursuant to Art. 1456 of the Civil Code if any of the following occurs: a) a delay of 14 days in taking receipt of the products by the Customer for any reason whatsoever, starting from the date of actual delivery or the date communicated by Oberalp; b) delay in payment by the Customer of any amount due to Oberalp exceeding 30 (thirty) days; c) bankruptcy of the Customer or the commencement of other insolvency proceedings against the Customer. d) other cases expressly provided for in these general terms and conditions.
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 11.1 Colcom will have the right to terminate, pursuant to and in accordance with Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, at any moment by written notification sent to the Customer – by certified e-mail or registered mail – the individual Sale in the event of non-fulfilment of the obligations foreseen in points 4 (Price and transfer of ownership); 7 (Payments); 9 (Flaws and defects); 10 (Intellectual property rights).
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 11.1 PM will have the right to terminate, pursuant to and for the purposes of the art. 1456 of the Civil Code, at any time by written communication to be sent to the Customer, the individual Sale in the event of failure to fulfill the obligations set out in articles: 6.6; 5.1; 5.2; 5.3.
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 11.1 The parties agree that the Order will automatically be terminated in case of default or breach by the Supplier of the obligations set forth in the provision of art. 6 and 8, in any case without prejudice to AW’s right to claim compensation for all the related, connected and consequent damages it incurred. 11.2 In order to declare the contract terminated, AW shall notify the Supplier by registered mail or certified e-mail of its intention to terminate. Termination of the contract shall become effective as of receipt of the notice.
EXPRESS TERMINATION CLAUSE. 14.1 RBM may terminate the supply relationship governed by these Terms and Conditions of Purchase at any time 14.2 RBM may terminate the Agreement at any time upon 30 days prior notice if it has notified in writing to the