Redemption Amount linked to Reference Assets. Applicable
(i) Formula to determine the Redemption Amount and/or, as the case may be, quantity of Reference Assets to be delivered: Subject to the Conditions of the Certificates and these Final Terms, the Issuer will pay the Redemption Amount to the Certificate Holders on the fifth Banking Day following the Valuation Date. In relation to each Series of Certificates, the Redemption Amount shall be determined by the Calculation Agent at the Valuation Date as follows:
1. if a Barrier Event has never occurred during the Observation Period, the Certificate Holders will receive in relation to each Certificate an amount in EUR calculated in accordance with the following formula: Principal Amount x Max [Bonus%; Min [Reference Price/Strike ; Cap%]]
2. if a Barrier Event has occurred during the Observation Period, the Certificate Holders will receive in relation to each Certificate an amount in EUR calculated in accordance with the following formula: Principal Amount x Min [Cap% ; Reference Price / Strike] Where: A “Barrier Event” occurs when the official reference price of the Share is equal or lower than the Barrier;
Redemption Amount linked to Reference Assets. (i) Formula to determine the Re- demption Amount and/or, as the case may be, quantity of Reference Assets to be deliv- ered in- stead of Redemp- tion Amount: Minimum Exercise Number as specified in Annex I to these Final Terms. Applicable Subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Certificates and these Final Terms, the Is- suer will pay the Redemption Amount to the Certificateholders on the fifth Banking Date following the Valuation Date. The Redemption Amount shall be determined by the Calculation Agent at the Valuation Date as follows:
1. if, on the Valuation Date, the Reference Price of the Reference Asset is lower than or equal to the Protection, the Certificateholders will receive in relation to each Certificate an amount in EUR calculated in accordance with the following formula:
2. if, on the Valuation Date, the Reference Price of the Reference Asset is higher than the Protection, the Certificateholders will receive in relation to each Cer- tificate an amount in EUR calculated in accordance with the following for- mula: - "Protection" means the minimum amount, in relation to each Series, that the Certificateholders will receive on the fifth Banking Date follow- ing the Valuation Date as specified in Annex I.
Redemption Amount linked to Reference Assets. (i) Formula to determine the Redemption Amount and/or, as the case may be, quantity of Reference Assets to be delivered: Applicable Subject to the Conditions of the Certificates and these Final Terms, the Issuer will pay the Redemption Amount to the Certificate Holders on the fifth Banking Day following the Valuation Date. In relation to each Series of Certificates, the Redemption Amount shall be determined by the Calculation Agent at the Valuation Date as follows:
1. if on the Valuation Date the Reference Price of the Reference Asset is lower than or equal to the Pro- tection, the Certificate Holders will receive in rela- tion to each Certificate an amount in the Specified Currency calculated in accordance with the follow- ing formula:
2. if on the Valuation Date the Reference Price of the Reference Asset is higher than the Protection, the Certificate Holders will receive in relation to each Certificate an amount in the Specified Currency calculated in accordance with the following for- mula:
Redemption Amount linked to Reference Assets. Not Applicable
Redemption Amount linked to Reference Assets. Applicable
(i) Formula to determine the Redemption Amount and/or, as the case may be, quantity of Reference Assets to be delivered instead of Redemption Amount: Subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Certificates, these Final Terms and the Certificates not being redeemed early at an Early Maturity Date, the Issuer will pay the Redemption Amount to the Certificateholders on the fifth Banking Date following the Valuation Date. In relation to each Series of Certificates, the Redemption Amount shall be determined by the Calculation Agent at the Valuation Date as follows:
1. if on the Valuation Date the Reference Price of the Share is higher than the Strike, the Certificateholders will receive in relation to each Certificate an amount in EUR calculated in accordance with the following formula: Redemption Amount = [Strike + Leverage Factor Up% x (Reference Price - Strike)] x Parity
2. if a Barrier Event has never occurred during the Observation Period and, on the Valuation Date, the Reference Price of the Share is lower than or equal to the Strike, the Certificateholders will receive in relation to each Certificate an amount in EUR calculated in accordance with the following formula: Redemption Amount = [Strike + Leverage Factor Down% x (Strike – Reference Price)] x Parity
3. If a Barrier Event has occurred during the Observation Period and, on the Valuation Date the Reference Price of the Share is lower than or equal to the Strike, the Redemption Amount will be calculated in accordance with the following formula: Redemption Amount = Reference Price x Parity Where: “Barrier Event” occurs when the reference price of the Share as determined and published by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. is lower than or equal to the Barrier. “Barrier” means the 60% of the reference price of the Share on the Fixing Date. “Leverage Factor Up%” 100% “Leverage Factor Down%” 100% “Parity” means the ratio between the Issue Price and the Strike and shall only be used in connection with the calculation of the Redemption Amount pursuant to this item 28. Within the calculation of the Redemption Amount any amount determined will be rounded up or down to six decimal places, with 0.0000005 rounded up.