General Information Clausole campione

General Information. 1. Form of Terms and Conditions: Not consolidated
General Information. Project code: PNRR-MAD-2022-12376354 PI / Coordinator: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Project topic: C2) Malattie croniche non trasmissibili, ad alto impatto sui sistemi sanitari e socio-assistenziali: eziopatogenesi e meccanismi di malattia
General Information. Should administrative formalities be necessary for the fulfilment of these General Terms and Conditions, LEMON WAY and the Account Holder will provide each other with mutual assistance to regulate such formalities. If one of the non-substantive stipulations of the Terms and Conditions is rendered null and void with regard to an effective rule of law, it will be deemed as not written, but will not invalidate these General Terms and Conditions. No forbearance by either Party in relying on a breach by the other Party of any of its obligations under these terms and conditions shall be construed as a waiver of the relevant obligation for the future. In the event of a difficulty in interpretation arising between any of the titles heading the clauses of the General Terms and Conditions, the titles will not be taken into account.
General Information. Project code: PNRR-MAD-2022-12376472 PI / Coordinator: XXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX Project topic: C1) Malattie croniche non trasmissibili, ad alto impatto sui sistemi sanitari e socio-assistenziali: fattori di rischio e prevenzione
General Information. Project code: PNRR-POC-2022-12375713 PI / Coordinator: XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX Project topic: A) Proof of concept
General Information. Project code: PNRR-MR1-2022-12376618 PI / Coordinator: xxxxxxx Xxxx Project topic: B2) Malattie rare: sviluppo di soluzioni trasversali che possano avere impatto su molteplici patologie in termini di ricerca e assistenza
General Information. A purchase of the Certificates involves various risks. The following risk factors may have a negative effect on the performance of the Certificates. Several risk factors may at the same time affect the performance of the Certifi- xxxxx, but no binding statement can be made as regards to their interference. In addition, further risks which are currently unknown may also have a negative effect on the value of the Certificates. Potential investors are ad- vised to consider all the information in this Prospectus (in particular the following risk factors) before making an investment in the Certificates. Prior to an investment in the Certificates, each investor should carefully review whether an investment in the Certificates complies with its financial, tax and other circumstances and his re- quirements regarding safety, profitability and liquidity. The risks displayed in the following sections are principal risks which may have a significant effect on the in- vestment in the Certificates, Prior to an investment in the Certificates, potential investors are advised to read this Prospectus completely and to consult, if necessary, legal, tax and other advisers. If one or more of the risks de- scribed below occur, this may result in material and sustained decreases in the price of the Certificates or, in the worst case, in a total loss of the capital invested by the investor. The Certificates constitute general and unsecured contractual obligations of the Issuer and of no other person (subject as provided under the NATIXIS Guarantee, as described below) which will rank equally with all other unsecured contractual obligations of the Issuer, and behind preferred liabilities, including those mandatorily pre- ferred by law. The Issuer issues a large number of financial instruments, including the Certificates, on a global basis and, at any given time, the financial instruments outstanding may be substantial. If an investor purchases the Certifi- xxxxx, it is relying upon the creditworthiness of the Issuer and no other person (subject to the NATIXIS Guaran- tee) and where the Certificates relate to securities, it has no rights against the company that has issued such securities, and where the Certificates relate to an index, it has no rights against the sponsor of such index or any of the components comprising such index and where the Certificates relate to a fund it has no rights against the manager of such fund. Further, an investment in the Certificates is not an inve...
General Information. I. General Notice
General Information. 1.1 Introduction to this manual
General Information. I. General Note on the Base Prospectus