Should Clausole campione

Should the quotation of the [Reference Asset] [respective Basket Component] at the Relevant Ex- change be finally discontinued and no Substitute Stock Exchange or Substitute Futures Ex- change could be determined, or - the Calculation Agent come to the conclusion that no reasonable adjustment is possible to account for the relevant measure of the company that has issued the [Reference Asset] [re- spective Basket Component] or the relevant third party, or - the [Reference Asset] [respective Basket Component] becomes due prior to its scheduled maturity upon the occurrence of an event of default (as determined in accordance with the terms and conditions of such [Reference Asset] [respective Basket Component]), the Issuer is entitled to terminate the Certificates early by giving notice pursuant to § 11 (which notice shall specify the Cancellation Amount). Such termination shall become effective at the time of the an- nouncement pursuant to § 11. In that case, the Calculation Agent shall [●] Banking Days before the day of early repayment (the "Early Repayment Determination Date") [after having consulted an inde- pendent expert named by the Calculation Agent] determine reasonable market value of the Certificates (the "Cancellation Amount"). The Cancellation Amount will be paid within [five] [●] Banking Days as of its determination to the Clearing System or to its order with the instruction for immediate for- warding to the Certificateholders.] [Other method to determine adjustments and early termina- tion]] [with respect to [commodities][and][future contracts] as Basket Components the following provisions shall ap- ply:] [(1) The basis for calculating the Redemption Amount shall be the [commodity] [and] [future contract] specified as the [Reference Asset] [respective Basket Component] with the method of price determi- nation and the trading conditions applicable on the Reference Market (e.g. in terms of the composi- tion, the quality, the quantity [,] [or] the currency of trading [or the expiry dates]).
Should the quotation of the Reference Asset at the Relevant Exchange be finally discontinued and no Substitute Relevant Exchange or Substitute Futures Exchange could be determined - the Calculation Agent come to the conclusion that no reasonable adjustment is possible to account for the relevant measure of the company that has issued the Reference Asset or the relevant third party, the Issuer is entitled to terminate the Certificates early by giving notice pursuant to § 11 (which notice shall specify the Cancellation Amount). Such termination shall become effective at the time of the announcement pursuant to § 11. If the Certificates are so cancelled the Issuer will pay an amount to each Certificate holder in respect of each Certificate held by him which amount shall be the reasonable market value of a Certificate (the “Cancellation Amount”) on a day selected by the Issuer in its good faith and absolute discretion and taking into account the adjustment event, all as determined by the Calculation Agent in its good faith and absolute discretion. The Cancellation Amount will be paid within five Banking Days as of its determination to the Clearing System or to its order with the instruction for immediate forwarding to the Certificateholders.
Should the quotation of the Reference Asset at the Rele- vant Exchange be finally discontinued and no Sub- stitute Relevant Exchange or Substitute Futures Exchange could be determined - the Calculation Agent come to the conclusion that no reasonable adjustment is possible to account for the relevant measure of the company that has is- sues the Reference Asset or the relevant third party, the Issuer is entitled to terminate the Certificates early by giving notice pursuant to § 11 (which notice shall specify the Cancellation Amount). Such termination shall become effective at the time of the announcement pursuant to § 11.

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  • Riservatezza Ciascun Fornitore ha l’obbligo di mantenere riservati i dati e le informazioni, ivi comprese quelle che transitano per le apparecchiature di elaborazione dati, di cui venga in possesso e, comunque, a conoscenza, di non divulgarli in alcun modo e in qualsiasi forma e di non farne oggetto di utilizzazione a qualsiasi titolo per scopi diversi da quelli strettamente necessari all’esecuzione dell’Accordo Quadro e comunque per i cinque anni successivi alla cessazione di efficacia del rapporto contrattuale. L’obbligo di cui al precedente comma sussiste, altresì, relativamente a tutto il materiale originario o predisposto in esecuzione dell’Accordo Quadro; tale obbligo non concerne i dati che siano o divengano di pubblico dominio. Il Fornitore è responsabile per l’esatta osservanza da parte dei propri dipendenti, consulenti e collaboratori, nonché dei propri eventuali subappaltatori e dei dipendenti, consulenti e collaboratori di questi ultimi, degli obblighi di segretezza anzidetti. In caso di inosservanza degli obblighi di riservatezza, le Amministrazioni e/o Xx.Xx.Xx. S.p.A. hanno la facoltà di dichiarare risolto di diritto, rispettivamente, il singolo Contratto ovvero l’Accordo Quadro, fermo restando che il Fornitore sarà tenuto a risarcire tutti i danni che dovessero derivare alle Amministrazioni e/o a Xx.Xx.Xx. S.p.A. Il Fornitore potrà citare i contenuti essenziali dell’Accordo Quadro – salvo che non sia diversamente disposto nei medesimi - nei casi in cui ciò fosse condizione necessaria per la partecipazione del Fornitore medesimo a gare e appalti. Fermo restando quanto previsto nel successivo articolo, il Fornitore si impegna, altresì, a rispettare quanto previsto dal D.Lgs. n. 196/2003 (Codice della Privacy) e dal Regolamento europeo 2016/679 in materia di protezione dei dati personali (GDPR).