Definizione di Estimated total expenses

Estimated total expenses. EUR 3,000 corresponding to the minimum listing fees known to the Issuer as at the Issue Date.
Estimated total expenses. EUR 3,000 corresponding to the minimum listing fees known to the Issuer as at the Issue Date. The “Bonus Cap” Security is a EUR denominated exercisable Security which return is linked to the performance of the Underlying and features a Cap Level. The formula for calculating the Cash Settlement Amount is described in § 40 (u). The structure also features a Bonus Level% and is not capital protected. Investors should be aware that they may sustain a partial or total loss of the purchase price of their Securities. During the secondary market period, the value of the Securities will depend upon market conditions and may be subject to significant fluctuations. If the Securities are sold, before the Redemption Valuation Date, there is a higher probability that the investor will suffer a loss of its investment. Name of the issuer of the underlying security: Generali Assicurazioni offers life and non-life insurance and reinsurance throughout the world. The Company offers life, health, accident, automobile, marine, aviation, transport, fire, general liability, and credit insurance and reinsurance.
Estimated total expenses. In connection with the sale of the Notes, the Issuer will pay the Dealer (i) an access to market fee equal to 0.10 per cent. of the face amounts of all Notes issued (the “Access to Market Fee”) and (ii) an execution fee equal to 1.50 per cent. of the face amounts of the Notes in respect of which Purchase Offers have been executed through the Dealer (the “Execution Fee”). No fees will be paid by the Issuer to the Intermediaries through which investors submit their Purchase Offers, directly or indirectly, to the MOT. Investors submitting their Purchase Offers for the Notes through Intermediaries will be responsible for paying any expenses or commissions charged by such Intermediaries for the collection and transmission of the Purchase Offers. The Bank of New York Mellon 00 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx XX0X 0XX Xxxxxx XX Banque Internationale à Luxembourg 00 xxxxx x’Xxxx L-2953 Luxembourg Not Applicable The Dealer may have a conflict of interest with respect to the distribution of the Notes because it will receive the Access to Market Fee and the Execution Fee, in each case determined as indicated in “Distribution” above. Moreover, conflicts of interest may arise with respect to the distribution of the Notes because the Dealer (a) acts as hedging counterparty of Goldman Sachs International, which is part of the same group of the Issuer, in relation to the issuance of the Notes and (b) may act as liquidity provider, providing bid/ask quotes for the Notes for the benefit of the noteholders. The Dealer, or its affiliates may, in the ordinary course of business, perform activities involving other securities issued by the Issuer or other entities belonging to the Issuer’s group, and, in that context, may have access to information regarding the Issuer or its group, but the Dealer or its affiliates, as applicable, will be not obliged to, and may be prevented from, making such information available to potential investors. The Dealer and its affiliates may also have engaged, and may in the future engage, in investment banking and/or commercial banking transactions with, and may perform other services for us and our affiliates in the ordinary course of business.

More Definitions of Estimated total expenses

Estimated total expenses. EUR 3,000 corresponding to the minimum listing fees known to the Issuer as at the Issue Date. The “Reverse Bonus Cap” Security is a EUR denominated exercisable Security which return is linked to the performance of the Underlying and features a Cap Level. The formula for calculating the Cash Settlement Amount is described in § 40 (u). The structure also features a Bonus Level% and is not capital protected. Investors should be aware that they may sustain a partial or total loss of the purchase price of their Securities. During the secondary market period, the value of the Securities will depend upon market conditions and may be subject to significant fluctuations. If the Securities are sold, before the Redemption Valuation Date, there is a higher probability that the investor will suffer a loss of its investment. Name of the issuer of the underlying security: UniCredit attracts deposits and offers commercial banking services. The Bank offers consumer credit, mortgages, life insurance, business loan, investment banking, asset management, and other services. UniCredit operates worldwide. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000 Xxxxxx Xxxxx Website: xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx Intesa Sanpaolo attracts deposits and offers banking and financial services. The Bank offers consumer credit, asset management, Internet banking, merchant banking, securities brokerage, factoring, and lease financing services, and manages mutual funds. Intesa Sanpaolo operates branches throughout Italy, and offices elsewhere in Europe, Asia, and the United States. Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxx, 000 00000 Xxxxxx Xxxxx Website: Commerzbank AG attracts deposits and offers retail and commercial banking services. The Bank offers mortgage loans, securities brokerage and asset management services, private banking, foreign exchange, and treasury services worldwide.
Estimated total expenses. EUR 3,000 corresponding to the minimum listing fees known to the Issuer as at the Issue Date. Save as described above and discussed in "Risk Factors" in the Base Prospectus, so far as the Issuer is aware, no person involved in the offer of the Securities has an interest material to the offer. The “Bonus Cap” Security is a EUR denominated exercisable Security which return is linked to the performance of the Underlying and features a Cap Level. The formula for calculating the Cash Settlement Amount is described in § 40 (u). The structure also features a Bonus Level% and is not capital protected. Investors should be aware that they may sustain a partial or total loss of the purchase price of their Securities. During the secondary market period, the value of the Securities will depend upon market conditions and may be subject to significant fluctuations. If the Securities are sold, before the Redemption Valuation Date, there is a higher probability that the investor will suffer a loss of its investment. Source of information relating to the Index Reuters. Place where information relating to the Index Information on the FTSE MIB Index shall be available on the dedicated can be obtained website: Information on the EURO STOXX50® Index and EURO STOXX® Banks Index shall be available on the dedicated website: Past and further performances of the Underlying Share are available on the relevant Exchange website and its volatility may be obtained at the office of the Calculation Agent by mail to the following address:
Estimated total expenses. The estimated total expense is not available.
Estimated total expenses. The estimated total expense is not available. The Twin Win Certificate is a non capital protected exercisable Certificate which features a Knock out Level. At maturity, the calculation of the Redemption Amount will depend on the level of the Underlying above or not IndexInitial.. If under the Notional Amount it will be observed whether the Underlying headed or not below
Estimated total expenses. The estimated total expenses is not available 5 Indez Disclaimer These Certificates are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Standard & Poor’s Corporation (“S&P”). S&P makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, to the parties to this transaction or any member of the public regarding the advisability of investing in securities generally or in these Certificates particularly or the ability of S&P 500 Index to track general stock market performance. S&P’s only relationship to BNP Paribas (the “Licensee”) is the licensing of certain trademarks and trade names of S&P and of the S&P 500 Index which is determined, composed and calculated by S&P without regard to the Licensee or this Transaction. S&P has no obligation to take the needs of the Licensee or the parties to the transaction into consideration in determining, composing or calculating the S&P 500 Index. S&P is not responsible for and has not participated in the determination of the timing of, prices at, or quantities of this transaction to be issued or in the determination or calculation of the equation by which this transaction is to be converted into cash. S&P has no obligation or liability in connection with the administration, marketing or trading of these Certificates. S&P DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY AND/OR THE COMPLETENESS OF THE S&P 500 INDEX OR ANY DATA INCLUDED THEREIN AND S&P SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR INTERRUPTIONS THEREIN. S&P MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED BY THE LICENSEE, THE PARTIES TO THIS TRANSACTION, OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FORM THE USE OF THE S&P 500 INDEX OR ANY DATA INCLUDED THEREIN. S&P MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE WITH RESPECT TO THE S&P 500 INDEX OR ANY DATA INCLUDED THEREIN. WITHOUT LIMITING ANY OF THE FOREGOING, IN NO EVENT SHALL S&P HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS), EVEN IF NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.

Related to Estimated total expenses

  • Costi (o spese) Oneri a carico dell’Assicurato gravanti sui premi versati o, laddove previsto dal contratto, sulle risorse finanziarie gestite dalla Compagnia.

  • Codice Fiscale XXXXXX00X00X000X DATA FIRMA: 11/06/2019 15:36:25 IMPRONTA: 557BDD969444A4A53642AD54098157506A9CB95C481854FB71CB47B939B954C1 6A9CB95C481854FB71CB47B939B954C1EEB6ECD9C0669F31537105EF305B8633 EEB6ECD9C0669F31537105EF305B8633B233B2D8E13D7A87FAE2BA0F21F0C2A3 B233B2D8E13D7A87FAE2BA0F21F0C2A362C82F5B12CADFB2D406DA3D08C368D6

  • Codice CIG 96379965E7

  • Danno totale La perdita del veicolo assicurato, senza ritrovamento in caso di furto, causata da un evento per il quale è prestata l’assicurazione o danno, le cui spese di riparazione superano il valore commerciale del veicolo al momento del sinistro.

  • Costi (o spese): oneri a carico del Contraente gravanti sui versamenti o, laddove previsto dal contratto, sulle risorse finanziarie gestite dalla Società.

  • Criteri di valutazione Lo studente dovrà mostrare di avere acquisito le seguenti competenze:

  • Quantità 14400 copie circa, incluse riserve. stampa: B/N con copertina a colori;

  • Periodo di Franchigia Periodo di tempo durante il quale, pur in presenza di un evento indennizzabile ai sensi delle Condizioni di Assicurazione, il Beneficiario non ha diritto ad alcuna Indennità.

  • Periodo di Carenza Sono i primi 3 (tre) giorni di malattia e/o infortunio non professionale o seguenti a quello dell’infortunio professionale, in cui l’INPS/INAIL non erogano al Lavoratore alcun trattamento indennitario. Infatti, le indennità riconosciute dall’INPS o dall’INAIL decorrono solo dal 4° (quarto) giorno di malattia/infortunio.

  • CRITERIO DI AGGIUDICAZIONE Offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa

  • Detraibilità fiscale (del premio versato)

  • Reference Price (Final)" meanz the Reference Price on the Valuation Date; "Register" haz the meaning azcribed to it in Condition l.4;

  • DETERMINAZIONE (con firma digitale)

  • Valore finale totale dell’appalto Valore: 864 EUR. IVA esclusa.

  • Conclusione del Contratto momento in cui il Contraente riceve la comunicazione dell’accettazione della proposta da parte della Società. In assenza di tale comunicazione, è il giorno in cui il Contraente riceve il contratto sottoscritto dalla Società.

  • Codice del Consumo il D.Lgs. 6 settembre 2005, n. 206 e successive modifi- che e integrazioni.

  • Codice CPV principale 45233141-9

  • Rendiconto annuale della Gestione Separata riepilogo aggiornato annualmente dei dati relativi al rendimen- to finanziario conseguito dalla Gestione Separata e all’aliquota di retrocessione di tale rendimento attribuito da Poste Vita S.p.A. al contratto.

  • CODICE CIVILE Art. 1341 – Condizioni generali di contratto

  • Annualità assicurativa Il periodo compreso fra la data di effetto e la data di scadenza anniversaria, o tra due date di scadenza anniversaria fra loro successive, o tra l’ultima data di scadenza anniversaria e la scadenza finale dell’assicurazione.

  • Ricorrenza annuale L’anniversario della data di decorrenza del contratto di assicurazione.

  • Utile (Perdita) dei gruppi di attività in via di dismissione al netto delle imposte

  • Valore a nuovo il prezzo (IVA inclusa, salvo diversa pattuizione) di listino del veicolo al momento della stipulazione del contratto.

  • Breve descrizione v. punto II.1.1)

  • CRITERIO Originalità, innovatività, rigore metodologico e rilevanza della pubblicazione scientifica GIUDIZIO: Buono (lettera all’editore)

  • Controvalore delle quote l’importo ottenuto moltiplicando il Valore Unitario della Quota per il numero delle quote del Fondo Interno Assicurativo possedute dal Contraente a una determinata data.