Packaging Voorbeeldclausules

Packaging. The Supplier shall pack the goods in accordance with all applicable laws and in such a way that the integrity of the goods is ensured during transport and shipment. Every shipment shall carry a detailed delivery note listing ALCON’s order details, order number, lot number, expiration date, gross- tare- and net weight and order date. In addition, a separate consignment note shall be sent to ALCON on the day that the goods are shipped.
Packaging. The goods must be packaged such that they cannot be damaged during transportation. We reserve our right to withhold payment of the value of any damage caused as a result of bad packaging.
Packaging. 1. The products will be packaged in the manner that is customary in the flower and plant wholesale trade in such a way as will be determined by the Seller in accordance with sound business practice, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
Packaging. 10.1 Delivering with MOQs leads to a certain freedom with packaging. IPS reserves the right to deviate from standard packaging methods and dimensions, but always in such a way that the goods are sent in a qualitatively responsible manner.
Packaging. The goods are supplied in a packaging suitable for the agreed carriage. If a legal obligation rests on Morssinkhof Plastics to take back the packaging, the purchaser may send back the packaging by return at his own expense.
Packaging. If delivery to the heliport has been agreed upon, the Contractor must ensure that the Contractor's Equipment is appropriately packaged for safe air transport (conform IATA). The weight of each package cannot exceed 20 kg to ensure that they can be loaded and unloaded manually. Deadline, Content and Form of the Registration The Contractor must register its materials that TenneT is to transport by helicopter and whose request has been approved by TenneT before they are delivered to the heliport. To this purpose, the following documents must be sent to xxxxxxxXX@xxxxxx.xx and OSNL- Xxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx for further transport coordination purposes immediately after the transport has been approved: • Delivery Notes (packing slip, CMR, commercial invoice, etc) (Contractor), • Customs document (T1) (Contractor), or: General Terms and Conditions for Logistics and Customs of DATUM 21.04.2023 TenneT TSO B.V. PAGINA 19 van 32 • Export begeleidingsdocument ▪ Veld 8 - Ontvanger: Naam Plattform, 00000 Nederlandse EEZ Noordzee, ▪ Xxxx 00 - Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx Xxxxxxxxx: QW (goederen code 9931), QQ of QP • Indien van toepassing, afzenderverklaring / shipper’s declaration en veiligheidsinformatieblad MSDS in geval van gevaarlijke goederen aanleveren (Contractant), • Indien van toepassing, verwijzingen naar bijzondere overhandiging bij tussentijdse opslag, laden en/of transport (Contractant). Alle ingediende documenten moeten worden afgedrukt en aan het te vervoeren Contractant Materieel worden bijgevoegd.
Packaging. 1. The packaging issued by the Supplier is deemed to have been received by the Buyer, subject to proof to the contrary by the Buyer, in good condition and in the numbers specified by the Supplier. The Supplier shall at all times remain the owner of the packaging it provides.
Packaging. 1. The Principal shall always have the right to return (transport) packaging materials to the Supplier at the latter’s expense and risk.
Packaging. 7.1 If, in deviation of the provisions in article 6.5 of the General Terms and Conditions, it has been agreed that Xxxxxxxxxx takes care of the transport of the Product on behalf of the Customer, if no further indication for this has been given to Isopartner by the Customer, and is accepted by Xxxxxxxxxx In Writing, the method of transport, shipment, packaging, etc. will be determined by Xxxxxxxxxx, without Isopartner being liable for such.

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